All Things Writing
Book Recommendations
Book Recommendations5 Years AgoBased on your own favorite genre and writing style; what book would you recommend?
Do you have a book that you re-read over and over? A favorite author? Or even a short novel online you would like to recommend?
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Re: Book Recommendations5 Years AgoI am absolutely in love with Anne Rice. She's a classic, best known for her stories in the series 'The Vampire Chronicles'. Beautiful writing, and her descriptions are so on point. It almost seems as if she lived then, amongst the feeling of taffeta and silk, old Louisiana, and vines growing over every surface. She has always been close to my heart. (Bonus is that she is married to ANOTHER amazing poet, Stan Rice)
Re: Book Recommendations4 Years AgoMy greatest writing inspiration whom I would recommend many to read would be the fiction of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. He was a Gothic Horror author from the early 20th Century who was largely responisble for codifying our understanding of the Weird Fiction genre. I am especially fond of him because he is truly great at describing the weird, occult and otherworldly in especially fascinating detail. Too often fantasy and sci-fi seems hardly imaginative and all too similar in structure to our real world, but for Lovecraft the supernatural truly seems beyond our human understanding. To someone who is not experienced with him, it is nearly indescribable to try to explain what I mean by this.
He was a very prolific writer in his time, but my personal favorites of his that I would recommend would be: The Dunwich Horror: a good piece of occult horror, and in my opinion the best representation of his work The Shadow over Innsmouth: if you want something with more urgency and excitement The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath: if you want something that is still otherworldly but more in the department of fantasy adventure than Gothic horror At the Mountains of Madness: If sci-fi is more your bag and you want something a little less frightening. The Outsider: If you are more in a poetic mood and care more about seeing some excellent surrealistic imagery than a distinctive plotline. |
Re: Book Recommendations4 Years AgoOf Windmills and War (The War Trilogy) by Diane Moody are very good. At times, a bit sugary but on the whole, good reading. I also love reading mysteries. |