All Things Writing
Introduction5 Years AgoI am an amateur writer; not really been active with my oen work online before other than teen fanfiction. I write everyday, genres: multiple, and I find it the most fun thing to do in the world.
That being said, I miss meeting people with similar interest and talk writing with someone who understands what it is. It is a lonely occupation and sometimes you want an honest review or a positive comment/encouragment or just support - a friend.
If there is anything you need...let me know.
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoHello Charlotte! It is all too true that getting feedback on writing is a task which is far more difficult than it seems like it would be. I am an amatuer as well myself, with only a single story to my name as of now called "The Tragedy of Phantasms", and finding reviews for that has produced almost no fruit so far.
My purpose as an author is to uphold the Gothic Horror and Weird Fiction traditions into modern days, both genres of which have been sadly abandoned by many contemporary authors. As of now in April 2020 I am hosting the The Shadow of Lovecraft: Weird Fiction writing contest here on Writers' Cafe. I am also created and am in the process of trying to start up a new group on Writers' Cafe called The Weird Fiction Circle. Although I strongly suspect we will be operating in separate genres, that doesn't mean we can't give useful advice to one another's work. Perhaps if we are active enough we may get more people to this group and create an active community. This site seems so vacant and inactive: let us remedy that. |
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoHi Nathan! I am so impressed with your style of writing only from this comment alone. I find it hard to believe that you are an amateur based on your grammar alone, you seem very experienced and skilled. This makes me very intrigued to read your story (I will search for it right away after sending this reply) and perhaps contribute with a bit too simple feedback, as you are correct that I'm not very familiar with either genre. But I agree with you, it does not mean we can not give useful advice. Seeing as it is May already, I hope your hosting of the Weird Fiction contest went well and drew lots of attention; and perhaps in near future, people can look forward to a similar event. Although I will participate as an observer, I surely will not miss it if there is a next time. I do find it very interesting to read about your purpose. How you express that you want to "resurrect" both Weird Fiction and Goth Horror is very thrilling; that between you and me, could be a nice change from all those rom-coms on the shelves nowadays - they are getting too many. It sparks an interest whenever someone wants to find their own style and does not follow current trends. I wish you all the best on your journey, I will be following it actively and I am very thankful if you are willing to stay in this group and contribute with your advice and knowledge. All My Best |
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoThank you for the warm welcome Charlotte! For a while there I was worried that you had vanished from the site. Anyway, the reason why I have such an elevated writing pattern like that is because I have read a lot, and not quite so much that I have written a lot. I have read around 18 novels at this point, as well as a lot of other short stories that I will not bother to count, but really have only written one short story and a single one-act play. But I do have a lot of notes for short stories rumbling around and will try to get to writing more of them. I should have an abundance of free time to get to writing them given recent events.
If you ever post a story here on Writers' Cafe, make sure to tell me. Judging by the way you speak you seem to have read a lot as well, and likely have the skills to pull off some well written literature. The Weird Fiction Contest caught more attention than I thought it would actually. There where 9 entries and 4 votes by the end. In case you where interested, ItStaredBack's story "She Keeps us Here" won with a landslide victory of all 4 votes. I was planning on hosting a Shadow of Lovecraft Contest somewhat regularly, perhaps on a monthly basis, if you wanted to see future ones. If I am not too busy, I will try to start a second part of the contest next week in case you are interested. Also, I will probably be creating a general playwriting contest next week as well. Even if you don't submit a play, you may be interested in seeing the products and voting on them. |
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoHello everyone,
I am just starting out on the site thanks to the overflowing story ideas in my brain at this moment. I have never been the greatest and most accomplished with writing but I love reading and creating stories that lead to full novels and books. I am hopeful to gain advise on my writing. Grammar has always been a weak point for me and it is hard to find people to read over your work and give honest pointers. I hope you all are doing well. |
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoHello Lyra. It is good to see you around in our quaint little writing circle here on Writers' Cafe. We may not exactly be the most active site, and review don't always come in as quick as we want, but more often than not those reviews do come eventually. Myself and I am sure many others would be willing to help you here. Thank you for becoming a member of our community, and I look foward to seeing some of your work soon.
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoHello, all! I'm an aspiring author currently working on a fantasy story I hope to have published soon. I have a deep love of reading and writing which is why I'm here. In order to expand and reach a wide audience, I have to reach out to groups and put my content out there.
There are a lot of groups that don't seem to have a lot of interaction and have devolved into content dumps where people just join and add to the pool. But this group shows promise. I'm a bit of a loner, so I'm not the most talkative individual. But I love to read and am more than open to reviewing others work if they're willing to do the same for me. Anyway, I've rambled long enough (so much for not talkative, right?). Hello again. Glad to be here. |
My Introduction4 Years AgoHello people!
I'm Sunshine. I'm not a writer. The only thing that brings me here is a crazy dream I had one night. The next day I remembered my dream and felt the urge to take it and write a book based on it. So I've started doing that. And don't know if I'm on the right track. If you can please do read the first chapter of my book All the colours in one. And do tell me whether you feel like reading the next chapter and do tell me about improvements I can make. Peace.
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoGood to have you around, Evan Drake. If you are planning on trying to use websites to reach a wider audience though then you may want to try looking at some other sites as well. Writers' Cafe is good for some purposes, especially networking with other authors, but is limping to stay alive at this moment and is much less active than some other sites. I am also on the Critters Writers' Workshop (it has a focus on speculative literature), Critique Circle, and Taylz, and would recommend them as well. I wish you the best of luck in your career, but I will tell you that this is not the best place to go to if you want reviews on your writing.
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoWell Sunshine that is quite a story you have got behind your, well, story. I have heard of dreams influencing the authors of authors before, but always just kind of passed that off as bunkum and bilge. Perhaps not. I will take a look at the beginning parts of your book at first and see if I have anything useful to say about it. Really see if dreams have the mettle to be a good story. Might take me a week if not longer for me to get to it though, but I will eventually see it.
Re: Introduction4 Years AgoHello,
I am a twenty two year old college student who is studying literature and writing a novel in my spare time. I love to create short stories revolving around my characters, discussing writing, and talking about books and movies. I love to meet new people and share my writing! If anyone ever wants to chat just message me! It's great to meet you all! |