All Things Strange And Beautiful : Forum : Welcome everyone strange, beau..

Welcome everyone strange, beautiful, or both!

12 Years Ago

Tell me about yourself in any way you want to! Talk about books, authors, music, what ever you want!
   As an example, I will give a brief introduction of myself.
   My name is Rachel and I am fourteen years old. I don't have many friends, but the ones i do have are the kind you know you will have for life. I am loyal and someone you can turn to.
   I adore reading and my favorite author is Stephen King. My favorite band is the Black Veil Brides.
 But enough about me, I'm more interested in what you have to say!
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Re: Welcome everyone strange, beautiful, or both!

12 Years Ago

I'm Valerie! Thanks for the invite! I love horror movies, I try to watch at least one a day. I'm a huge reader. I read everything really, but my love for the morbid has always been greater than anything. I read a lot of true crime novels. I love Ann Rule. I prefer Asian horror films over any other countries. I'm 19 and in college and just flailing around in life trying to find who I am.

Re: Welcome everyone strange, beautiful, or both!

12 Years Ago

well lets see. im wierd. i dont really like reading unless somehow the book REALLY gets my attention. i like horror and sometimes even laugh at it. music, drawing, cars, and stargazing are where my heart lies. i REALLY want to be a lot of things and my parents say i have the ability to do them all. i want to be: a philosopher, car designer, vocalist, artist, race car driver, video game designer, writer, and a good guy to some lucky girl.

Re: Welcome everyone strange, beautiful, or both!

12 Years Ago

So happy people are leaving posts! Keep it up, as I will be adding a new post sometime every week. And once again, thank you for posting!

Re: Welcome everyone strange, beautiful, or both!

12 Years Ago

Hi! I'm Kelsey! I am 18 and a junior in college. I also love horror, nerdy movies, and reading, particular the genre's of horror, suspense, and supernatural. I'm a history major, but my dream is to publish a fiction book. I wrote a novel and didn't like it, so now I'm working on a new one. My hobbies include singing, listening to music, watching movies, reading, and looking up random facts. My favorite music is stuff I can sing along to, so a lot of showtunes and disney songs :)

Re: Welcome everyone strange, beautiful, or both!

12 Years Ago

well lets see i'm considered different among my friends because i don't watch tv but read books. hahaha well i like to keep it that way. I am the same age as you and my favorite band is my chemical romance and also on the other side, taylor swift. I love writing-the reason i'm here and i think i'm slowly fitting into this group which feels good by the way.:):).