Alessander's Mad Poets (AMP!) Forum Poetic Movements
Poetic Movements14 Years AgoPoetic Movements abound, esp since the 20th century. So, this is a little crib sheet of poetic movements every English Major must be aware of:)
I'm not going to post them in any chronological order, but rather in order of influence upon contemporary poets (according to moi), or just randomly lol Romanticism is by far what the general public still perceives as "poetry." The masses tend to think of poetry as "flowery," pleasurable, rhyming, and beautiful, and Poets as sensitive, idealistic, brooding, introverted and often tragic. These perceptions are due to Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Blake and Byron. Before them, Poets were seen more as admirable sages, or the mouths of the masses, very much involved with the political/social/economic discourses of the day, usually at their own peril. The Romantics no longer spoke through historic figures but everyday folks; they no longer put on masks but sung directly from the "I", redirected the landscape from the social to the subconscious, which to this day, is the modus operandi of not only poets, but rock-stars, artists, and even some philosophers. A professor of mine once claimed that Modern Science was conceived by the Enlightenment, and Modern Art by Romanticism, and I agree. Romantic Poetry Wiki Link: The Augustan/Enlightenment movement directly preceded the Romantic Age, and is often viewed as the Ying to its Yang: |