A Sunny Disposition - the Sunny Goodman Memorial Group
Sunny my Sunshine!!!
Sunny my Sunshine!!!14 Years AgoSunny my love, my best friend, my sunshine!
As I write this, the tears stream down my face. You were a lady of vibrancy and courage! You were honest and caring and non-judgmental. You were graceful and beautiful and a free-loving spirit! You were my role model and you didnt even know it! We talked everyday via computer, phone and mail. I always loved the way that your voice was perky and bright. Your words always painted the most glorious pictures, full of light-hearted comedy and passion. You admired and loved the world. Just in case you missed it, Sunny, the WORLD that you touched ADMIRED you!!! Sunny, you touched my heart in so many ways. I wish that in my lifetime, I can be just 1% of the wonderful personality and woman that you were. We got so close....I never wanted you to go! I miss you everyday! You were my role model and more of a MOTHER than I have ever had. You always treated me the way that I wanted to be treated and always taught me the lessons that I need to learn. You were a perfect match for me....a SOULMATE, some might say. The tears that you see me cry, I know you understand. You were my Mother Figure. The Best Friend that I have needed all my life! You were everything to me. You led me to BlogTalkRadio, where you passed me the torch of your show. I have taken on the responsibility, and I know that you know that I give 110% every show. But, dear Sunny, I know that I can never be like you! You led me here to Writers Cafe, because you inspired me to write erotica. You inspired me to do things for myself! You inspired me to take my "comfort box" away, and show my true colors. You inspired me to write about what I loved. You also motivated me to overcome my shyness about erotica. I feel like I became a new person when you were in my life. You are my HERO! I love you so much!!!! I am forever missing you my dear! Dani (Shiny Daze - |