A Sunny Disposition - the Sunny Goodman Memorial Group : Forum : Welcome to the Group

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Welcome to the Group

14 Years Ago

Hey everyone - just wanted to say hello and thanks for joining this group.  I wasn't really sure how this group would take off or where it would lead but it will be interesting to see.  

Please feel free to post your work here for others to read; there is no real genre boundary just pieces you think that Sunny would have liked to have read or things that you would like to share with other.  I've already posted a few of Sunny's favourite pieces of my work - I hope she enjoys them.

I really just wanted to set something up, firstly as a personal thank-you to Sunny who set up 'The Howie Fan Club' a few years back and supported me and encouraged me in my writing and secondly as a memorial to her and the way she was.  Even though we'd never met, we exchanged a lot of messages and chatted a lot online - from the comments and plaudits I've seen on here, Blogspot Radio and on Facebook she touched a great many lives and always seemed to have time for people.

4 days before she died and knowing that she had, at best, a week left, she placed a little limerick on my wall on Facebook, something she had written a couple of years before - I think this basically encapsulates the sort of person she was.  In fact, I read that she was answering questions in the forum on Blogspot 6 hours before she passed away. 

Sunny passed away on Saturday 10th April following a long and tiring battle against cancer.  

My thought remain with her husband Woody and her close family and friends.

Many thanks.

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Re: Welcome to the Group

14 Years Ago


Just so that you know the true date.

Sunny Goodman passed away on April 3, 2010 at 7am in her home in Austin TX.

Sunny and I were very close and I am the only person that knew (other than her hubby and drs) that she was dying from cancer.  She didnt want anyone to know because she wanted everyone to see her in a certain light.  And that was exactly as she wished....her light is still shining soooo bright!

Thank you so much for opening this group!
Blesssings to you and yours!

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Re: Welcome to the Group

14 Years Ago

OMG I am so shocked... I never knew anything bout this... I use to go on her erotic show every week a couple years ago... shoe was always kind and delightful as well as talented... my heart goes out to her family and friends.  I still can't believe it.
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Re: Welcome to the Group

14 Years Ago


Thanks very much, I'd only got the date from the Blogspot page via Facebook so I wasn't sure whether it was correct or not.  I, like so many others wasn't aware that she was ill and it came as a great shock - I'm glad she decided to share some of her burden with others, I think that it's important to have friends and relatives around you at certain times.

As for the group, it's the least I could do - I wish I could have done more - hopefully this will serve as a reminder of her on the The Writer's Cafe - she was a special person.

Take care and thanks for the note.

Howie ;)
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Re: Welcome to the Group

14 Years Ago

Its not a problem at all!

I wish I could give her what she asked for....her last wishes were for WORLD PEACE!!!!  I would give her the world if I could!  Anything!!  I would give just about anything to have her back!!

I just want my best friend back