

author's please read carefully

Submission Guidelines:

Genres accepted: Dark Fantasy, fantasy, Dark Horror, Horror, mystery/suspense (any type), thriller (any type), Romance (mostly historical and suspense/thriller. Will accept other kinds only if it is well written with an interesting plot), some erotica (no child abuse or hard core sex. The lighter the better), Mainstream fiction and Sci-Fi. Newly added: Comedy accepted... must not have racial slurs, or be in bad humor. This is just the tip of what I will publish.

Poetry: will accept only if it is well written and follows the above genres for fiction.(Dark Poetry accepted)

Non fiction: not accepting as of yet, but maybe in the near future.

Word count: no more than 10,000 words. But if you do go over, I may be able to separate it into another edition of the mag. Query first for longer pieces to be sure.

How to send: email submission only. No snailmail accepted. Please make sure that your piece is proofread thoroughly and that any and all mistakes are corrected, double space and indent the beginning of all paragraphs.

Please have all submission typed up in century gothic style, or times new roman. You may either send it as a .doc, .rtf, .txt, if you send it as an attachment. Any one of those formats will acceptable or if you would like you can just copy and paste the story in the email itself.

Please send the following genres to the emails, and proper editors, below:

Email: Dawn Olexa at [email protected]

Please type in the subject line "Submission" and the title of the story. Please make the genre you are writing in first thing, so the right editor can read it. Be sure to include a brief bio about yourself, no longer than maybe 200 words max. Don't forget to include your full name, email address and word count at the beginning of the email.

Once your work has been accepted, I will email you a contract that i will need signed (typed; you can just email it back to me, would be easier)and returned to me before i can begin work on your story's page.

Reprints will be accepted. You just got to let me know that you published it before and where so I can give that publication credit for the original publication. If you published it before with me, let me know if it had been revised from the original version.

Copyright information: I will only have one time rights to the piece. Once it is published, the rights will revert back to you, but it will be considered a reprint.

I will archive older stories. I reserve the right to delete anything in the archives.

If you find a story on this site that you want to use, please email the author, as it is their story and only they can give you permission to use it. I DO NOT have the right to allow you to use anything published on this site, and will do anything I can to protect the rights of those who published it.

Contests: I do plan to hold contests, once the site is active and I have many people submitting to the site, probably a year after its fully operational. The winners of these contests will be published in the ezine.

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