500 words
week three
week three14 Years Ago
Summer Solstice
Happy writing,
Re: week three14 Years AgoI'm confused, is this the title for this week?
Re: week three14 Years Ago1. The title and as close to 500 words as you can get. it can be a poem if your talented enough to pull it off, and GO YOU if you can. :)
2. Write in PAST tense.
3. Step out of your comfort zone and try a new genre.
EX: if your a lovey dovey writer - then kill someone, and vise-versa.
If your a happy writer then try heartache.
i thought i would go ahead and post this here too. happy writing!
Re: week three14 Years Agocool..this is awesome thank you..getting on this in the morning..
mine shall be titled SALAAM TO SUMMER SOLSTICE |