500 words : Forum : The Other Side.

The Other Side.

14 Years Ago

The grass is always greener on the other side. I remember hearing my father say that once. I always wondered where exactly the other side was, and why I wasn't there. I mean, if the other side is so great, why don't people just go live there? I found out years later that people do go to the other side, but not to live. When I was seventeen I started dating the most amazing girl anyone could ask for. Her name was Emily. She was the smartest girl I knew, she was beautiful, she was kind, she was perfect. I started thinking screw the other side, the grass is pretty damn green over here. But everyone has to go to the other side at some point. A few months after we started dating I was hit by a car. It didn't seem all that bad to me at first. I had been wheeled in to the emergency room and I got to lie in a nice warm bed. "I'll be fine," I said to her "It's just a few bruises." I stayed in the hospital for a few hours, mostly sleeping. After what must have been the fifth hour I opened my eyes to find I was no longer in bed. I was in a field where the grass was an intense shade of dark green. My first thought was that it was amazing and that I might never leave, but then I realised where I was. This was the other side. I was dead. "This isn't right," I said "I don't belong here. I'm not ready for this." Suddenly there was a man standing in front of me. He just popped up as if he'd been there the whole time and I was just too panicked to see him. "That's what they all say," he said. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Peter, it's my job to welcome you to the after life and give you the grand tour." "Well, that won't be necessary Peter, because I'm not staying." He gave me a look of annoyance and curiosity. "And how do you plan on leaving?" he asked. As I tried to figure it out I heard a voice behind me. "Call it," the voice said "he's dead." After I was proclaimed dead I realised who the voice belonged to. "That's the doctor!" I yelled "That means there's still an opening between the worlds." I closed my eyes and focused all of my attention on getting back home. "Stop it!" Peter screamed "I forbid you to go back!" It was too late, I felt the sensation of moving at incredible speeds and when I reopened my eyes I was back in the bed. The doctor stared at me for a few moments. "How is this possible?" he asked "Your heart stopped beating five minutes ago." “Thanks for not losing hope Doc,” I said with a smile. Just then Emily ran in. She threw her arms around me and everything was fine. It was at that moment that I realised that the grass would never be green enough on the other side. Not without her.

Re: The Other Side.

14 Years Ago

I wasn't able to do as much with this story as I had hoped. Not with five hundred words. But I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.

Re: The Other Side.

14 Years Ago

aww this is sweet!! i like your voice here. well done.

Re: The Other Side.

14 Years Ago

Fantastic tale about life after death and deciding its better here after all.