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7 Years Ago

Can I post?
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7 Years Ago

Can I post yet?
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In the time of Achilles

7 Years Ago

Chapter one ~ In the time of Achilles Phthia, Greece 1190BC, three years before the Trojan warAedia had been heading down from the hilltops of Phthia into the city the day that she met Patroclus. Her sandals disturbing the dry earth from the late spring heat, as the sun bore down on her pale complexion, Aedia clutched to her leather purse tightly, choosing to take the path that ran alongside the ruins of a once grand temple. It was only when she drew nearer that Aedia began to hear clashing sounds and male voices that she briefly paused, frowning as she tried to distinguish in her thoughts who it might be.Unable to recognise either of the two voices she continued down the rocky path, spotting two figures training with wooden swords amongst the ruins. Not wishing either of them to see her, Aedia was quick to hide behind the nearby olive tree, opting to peek from around the safety of its dry, brittle bark, watching in fascination and awe as they sparred. Their skin sleek with sweat and their muscles rippling beneath their tunic's as they dodged each other's attacks, Aedia couldn't help but remain where she was, despite the little voice within her urging her to leave before they found her. The fresh salty breeze blowing in from the harbour gently pushed her chestnut waves away from her face and caused her pale blue Peplos gown to billow behind her. As a few moments turned into minutes, Aedia continued to watch as they fought one another, relentless in their attacks, neither one seemed to want to give in, despite the heat of the late afternoon. Suddenly, they disappeared around a corner of the ruins, Aedia's eyes frantically searched for any signs of movement, but to no avail, perhaps they had noticed her presence and left. Sighing, she turned to leave, being faced with a wooden sword pointed at her throat and an equally dangerous looking man behind it."What do you think you are doing?" He asked as a soft smirk tugged at his lips, his light brown hair ruffled from the training session. Aedia took a step backwards, colliding with the tree and stumbling into it as she attempted to get as far away as possible, dropping her purse in the process."I-I was just heading into town. I heard voices and wished to know who they belonged to" As he lowered his sword to his side, Aedia suppressed the urge to fix her hair, never before had any man let alone a stranger, made her feel as though she wanted to look her best, but he was handsome, perhaps the most handsome of all the men she had ever met. The young man smiled, looking to the ground before flicking his eyes back up to meet hers. "I suppose I should let you be on your way then" He stooped down to the ground and picked up her leather purse filled with coins ready for her to buy the weeks food for Aedia and her father. She smiled gratefully, taking it from him and brushing past him, starting once more down the path, daring to glance back over her shoulder and catch him watching her leave. A girly smile tugged at her lips for the rest of the walk into the city.*** Later that evening, In the city of Pthia, candles shone brightly, lining the streets and waterside as the locals danced and sang, all in praise of spring and what fruits it brought with it. The city was alive with laughter and music that resonated into the night air. A full moon in the sky and a drink of watered down wine in her hand, Aedia joined in on the festivities with her friends, Achima and Eos, who happily chatted away. Aedia's attention moved from her friends after catching a familiar face across the dancing crowd. The man she had met earlier stood silently watching her, and for a fleeting moment, their eyes met, until the dancers blocked Aedia's view. "Ah, that would be Patroclus. Cousin of Achilles." Achima answered Aedia's curious look in the spot where Patroclus had been only a few moments ago. "Untouchable, devastatingly handsome, and from what I hear single""I think I need another drink" Aedia stood and made for the wine on the nearby table, having to work her way through the crowds of people to get there. On the way there, her father, Helios, an ex-Greek soldier stopped her from going any further, placing a loving arm around her shoulders."I am so glad I found you, I have someone I wish you to meet" She reluctantly allowed herself to be guided away from the wine table and to a group of her father's friends. Being unable to resist keeping an eye out for who she knew now to be Patroclus on the way there. "Dymas, this is my daughter, Aedia" The group of men turned to her, and the youngest of them all smiled warmly, his cheeks had flushed a deep red from the heavy wine consumption throughout the evening."Aedia, me and your father once fought together, he has protected me from many of my foes. It is an honour to finally meet you" He bowed his head politely as she curtsied in return, hoping that she would be able to excuse herself soon. Several minutes passed where Aedia was forced to listen to their constant talking and slurred speech until she found an opportune moment to leave the group. Having finally made it to the wine table, she poured herself another goblet, "I see you finally escaped" A voice broke through the music and laughter from behind her. Aedia was quick to turn to greet the owner of the voice, coming face to face with Patroclus. "We meet again. I was half wondering when we would cross paths" Aedia gave a quick glance to the people around them, who were all occupied with their own conversations. He gestured for her to follow him as he proceeded to move away from the crowds to the beach. Peacefully, they walked side by side as the waves battered the shore. How Aedia loved the sound. "I hope you did not think I was intruding earlier...when you found me by the olive tree" Patroclus smiled shaking his head no, placing his arms behind his back as his blue eyes moved out to sea. His lips lifting at the corners in a discreet smile as he remembered the afternoon's events. "I expect you liked what you saw..."Patroclus's eyes lit up mischievously as he grinned over at Aedia, awaiting her answer impatiently. For several moments, Aedia stood in shock, before she too began to smile. "If you must know, I was much more entranced by what Achilles was doing" Despite Patroclus's smile growing wider, he lifted an eyebrow questioningly as they trudged through the thick sand down to where the waves were colliding with the beach. "I don't believe you, especially when I was so obviously winning" Aedia let out a laugh, frowning slightly in thought. Obviously to the intense gaze Patroclus was sending her."I seem to recall you being about to lose..." From behind them, a voice sounded, causing the moment to be broken and Patroclus's attention to turn to the man who was coming to a stop beside them. "Cousin, you left the party, you're missing all the fun-" The man's eyes flickered over to Aedia in curiosity as she looked to her sandals, crossing an arm over her chest. "Who is this?" He asked, sending a teasing smile to Patroclus, who also looked away in embarrassment. "I don't know. We only just met today" At that, Aedia lifted her eyes up from her sandals to him, having forgotten that she had not yet told him her name."Aedia" She said softly, speaking to both men but keeping her eyes fixed on Patroclus, who smiled gently over at her, the wind softly rustling his hair making him seem all the more ethereal to her. "Patroclus" He replied, before looking to the man beside them, who stood hands on his hips and a cocky boyish grin on his lips as he looked on in amusement. "Well, I am glad I found you before anything too serious happened" He mocked, being met with a scowl from Patroclus, as the two shared a look."You must be Achilles" Aedia spoke up, causing the fair-haired man to turn to her. He nodded proudly, most likely expecting her to fawn over his accomplishments, like the many women he had met before her had. "I am" His eyes flicked over to Patroclus who merely huffed in response, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for the moment she started to ask Achilles question after question until she forgot about him completely. "I have heard about you" Aedia started, having already reached the conclusion that she preferred the Achilles she had heard about in the stories and songs, as opposed to the Achilles who now stood before her, cocky and brash. "They say that you are immortal, that your mother is a sea nymph, and-""And?" His voice was deep, his bronzed skin standing out from the blue of his outfit, as with raised his eyebrows he waited eagerly for what she was going to say next. Taking a deep breath, Aedia went on. "And that you, strong and talented as you are, have a habit of bedding any woman you can find" Pleased with the shocked response she had received from both men, Aedia left, unbeknownst to her, Patroclus's eyes had followed her in awe until she was no longer in sight. Few men dared to insult Achilles, and fewer women still...
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Just ignore the last thread...

7 Years Ago

I really don't know how to use this site yet...as you can tell
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Writing Contest

7 Years Ago

Hello All Fellow Writers!

I did not want to just reply to a message, maybe I did not see a reply button; oh well. :0

But I think a forum will be a great place to post active feed back on our next contest!

Soo... any ideas?

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See - I HAVE Been Working ;)

7 Years Ago

Hey folks - I've been doing mostly free-writing, brainstorming, and character-sketching.  I added a bit more to the actual story today, but just wanted you to know that I haven't completely dropped off the map!

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The First FicFun Writing Contest Officially Sets Sail

7 Years Ago

Are you a literature lover? Do you want to share your love and work with the world? Do you want to get paid by writing online? If so, then we have some news for you! The first writing contest held by FicFun will take place this July. Professional writers, amateurs, and literature lovers alike are all encouraged to make an entry! In addition to prizes up to $7,000, we will select writers with potentials to become contracted authors. This means we’ll pay you for every word you write! Sound good? Then don’t hesitate to act now!For more info: 
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Deep down.

7 Years Ago

Deep down,
In my mind,
Lays my scattered self.
The one, who wants to try a lot of things.
But, also the one who just wants to chill.
The one who is afraid of taking risks.
But, also the one, who knows that it is also important to take risks.

Deep down,
In my heart,
Lays my emotional self.
The one who cries over everything.
But, also the one, who stays strong during most of the things.
The one who is not afraid to stand up for her loved ones.
But, also the one, who sometimes doesn't have courage to speak up for herself.

Deep down,
In my eyes,
Lays my ambitious self.
The one, who don't want to touch the sky,
But the universe.
But, also the one, who wants to stay close to the earth.
The one who wants the world to change, 
Cuz of herself.
But, also the one, who is scared of change,

Deep down.....
There lays......
The one that I completely adore.

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So does anyone in here actually want to become a writer

7 Years Ago

I'm looking for people who are serious about uploading work. I'll review your stuff if you'll review mine.
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An Important Poem

7 Years Ago

Hello everyone! I wrote a poem about a very important topic to me called, "A Tiger at the Circus". If could take a look at this poem and give me your thoughts, I would be more than willing to review your work as well. Thank you. 
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7 Years Ago

blah blah fheaiofjeaio 
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I Am Me

7 Years Ago

I am...
in love with the moon
inspired by the stars
involved with the oceans
engaged in the hearts
I am...
the girl of his dreams
the mother of a child
a soul of calm fortune
but inside I'm wild
I will...
see all I can
endure what I must
survive the hardest nights
savor the lust
I will...
live each day
sleep each night
win what I can
but not every fight
I can...
climb every mountain
swim every sea
explore every acre
save every tree
I can...
do anything I want
if only I try
even if my dream
is simply to fly

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First Sight Chapter 1

7 Years Ago

Chapter One       My name is Riley Melbourne and I live in Griswold, Connecticut. I am currently a senior in high school. I am not the prom queen, but just an average student. Everything about me is average my grades, the way I look, how I act and even my friends. I am average height with straight brown hair and brown eyes, like I said average.  I don’t go parties or go out much I pretty much just stay at home. This is the year that I come out of my shell….       The day started as any other day. I got up and got ready for school. I had a feeling of dread that I had never experience before. I knew things would be different today as walked through the school doors.  I knew everyone that goes to school here since we have a little over 700 members at our high school. We all basically grew up together.       When I pulled up in the school parking lot I was met by my lifelong friends Sarah and Beth. Sarah who is shorter than average has bright red curly hair and blue eyes. She has always been the hyper, talkative friend. While Beth is tall and slim with a dark complexion, everyone says she could be a model. Sarah was going on about her summer, where her and her folks visited and what they done. All the while Beth was leaning against my bright red Pontiac Grand Prix.       We could hear the other students talking about the new kids. About how different they were. That is when I saw them. Tall, dark and handsome. The guy was tall, athletic build and dark hair. And other one was a small build dark hair girl. She didn’t even look like she belonged in High School. That was all that I could of them from where I was at in the parking lot. Maybe we would have a class together or something and I could get to know them.       First period I was on my own, AP English. AP English was taught by Mrs. Black. I walked to the back of the class and took my sit next to a few students I had known last year. Mrs. Black started talking and seemed as if she would never quit. A whole hour of sitting in her class and listening to her rambling on about what AP English is and the assignments. Finally the bell rings and we are released to head to the next class. Sarah was leaning against my locker and bouncing up and down. I knew she had something to tell me.       “The guy from this morning, he was in my PE class”       “Tell me everything.” I demanded       “Well, he just moved here from New York, I think.” Sarah told me. I knew there was more to come.       “He has an accent, that seemed liked he should had moved from Europe….and his clothes they were Armani...he is definitely not from around here.” Right then he walked by and he was amused. Surely he didn’t over hear us there is no way I was thinking, but he still looked amused.       “I will see you at lunch and find out what you can about both of them” I told Sarah.       My second period was Algebra. I took my normal place in the back of the class but this time I was surprised to see the new girl from this morning sitting next to me.       “Hi, my name is Jane Price” she said as she leaned in to talk low. The way she talked made it seemed as if she did not want to draw attention to herself.       “Hello, welcome to Griswold. My name is Riley Melbourne.” I told her.       “Me and my brother just moved here from New York.” Jane was telling me.        “How do you like it here?” I asked       “I miss my apartment in New York…and the city”       Then the bell rang…time for class to start. Mr. Whitman start his lectures early on equations.  It seemed like the bell would never ring. “After this class I can leave, being a senior has it perks...only a half day of classes. I wonder if Jane has the same schedule.”  I thought to myself as the last few minutes of the class was ticking by. Then the bell rings everyone shot up out their seats and headed for the door…everyone except Jane. She was standing by her desk looking like she wanted to say something. So I started talking first, “Do you have the rest of the day free?” Jane answered shyly with one word “Yes”…       “a few friends and I are going back to my house to hang out would you like to join us?” Jane started smiling and answered “yes”       I told her “that we could meet up in the parking lot and we can take my car.”       As I was walking out the doors I noticed that we might have a tag a long, her brother. I approached my car with I started to smile.       “Hello” the boy said while reaching out to shake my hand “My name is Chris Price. I wanted to meet the girl the befriended my sister on her first day”…       I reached out and took his hand and said, “How do you do? My name is Riley and I have algebra with Jane.”       Chris smiled at me and said, “I am just fine, but with you taking Jane to your house I am at a loss on what to do for the rest of the day.”       I told him “if it was fine with Jane then you could tag along and hang with us.” Chris looked at Jane, but to an outsider it looked as if they are having a conversation but without words. Finally Jane shook her yes. Then we all piled into my car and headed out the parking lot. I turn towards town to head home. Sarah and Beth had things to do so it was just the three of us.       “What do you two want to do?” I asked them. It was Sarah that answered me with “anything” and they laughed, like there was some type of secret joke between them.       “I have movies, games or we can go do something…but there is not much around here to do during the day” I told them.       Chris asked me. “Can we just hang out at your house and watch some TV?”       That was when we pulled into the driveway. I was glad that mom had to work today and that we would have the house to our self. We walked in and as they made their self-comfortable I round of some snacks and drinks. Chris was scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch when he settled on some movie. I wasn’t even paying attention to the name of it when he chose it. Not even ten minutes into the movie the phone rang, picking it up I looked at the caller “damn it” I said under my breath. I thought I said it quiet enough to where no one could hear me but Chris looked up at me and quizzical look on his face. I shook my head and answered the phone. “Hello”…”no James I am busy”… “I know I had only a half day today”…”I have company over”… “it does not matter who it is we are not together any more”… “whatever, I will talk to you later” and then I hung up without even a bye. I looked up and Chris was looking at me like he wanted to say something. But I excused myself from the room with the excuses of more snacks. But honestly I just wanted to be alone for second, to collect my thought. I was sitting at the kitchen table when Chris entered the room. “Are you okay?” he asked       “I am fine, it was just my ex we broke up a couple of weeks ago but he cannot get that through his thick skull” and Chris laughed at that but he walked over and put his arm around me. We sit like that for a few minutes and I did not want him to move but Jane was sitting in the living room all by herself. Stood up a grabbed a bag of chips and smiled at Chris as walked from the kitchen. I do not even think Jane noticed we were gone she was into the movie. I sit the bag of chips down on the table and sit on the empty couch. I figured that Chris would sit next to Jane or in the recliner, but instead he sit next to me. Chris then put his arm around me and held me like that until the movie was over.       We still had some time to kill until it got late. Jane decided to play on her laptop with the excuse of homework but I know she seen how Chris and I was sitting and she probably figured we would want to do something or just talk. She was right, I wanted to talk to someone anyone but should lay everything out on the table for Chris, I just met him today. That was when I decided I would answer questions but I would offer nothing more about the James subject. I wanted to know more about him.       “Why did you and Jane move to Griswold?” I asked. “Our dad died about 6 months ago and our mother knew people that lived around here, so she decided we needed a change of scenery.” “I am so sorry for your loss, my dad died too when I was young but I barely remember him.” I told Chris. “Can I ask you about James, why did you get upset when he called? Chris asked. “I told him to leave me alone after he...after we broke up. That I could not be around him after what he did.” I looked over to see that Jane had put on her headphones listening to the lecture she recorded from her first class. Chris looked like he wanted to say something or ask about it but I shook my head and told “I might tell you, but not know it is still painful.” With those words tears began to fill my eyes. And Chris leaned over to wipe one away that escaped. I looked at the clock and it was going on 8 pm, if Chris and Jane wanted their care we would have to be going to get it before the school locks the parking lot gates.       “Are you all ready to head back to get your car, the high school locks the parking lot gates in less than 30 minutes?” Chris answer with a quick nod and right on cue Jane closed her laptop and said “let’s go”.       The car ride back to school was different, Jane sit in the back and Chris sit next to me. It seemed as if he could not take his eyes off of me, but there is a hint of sadness on his face when he looked at me. It was the same look that all my friends and family had for after the incident with James. James got drunk one night while he was over at my house. I said something and did like it so he punched me. One thing led to another thing and I ended up having to go to the ER, The bruises had just faded away today and everything is still fresh in my mind. I realized I was staring at him at the stop light and my face got bright red. A few minutes later we arrived back at school and I parked next to their car. Jane climbed out of the back seat and headed to the car. Chris just sits there. He reached over and put his hand on top of my and said, “It is not your fault” He slid of the seat and where his hand was now lays a piece of paper with his phone number on it. I did not know what he meant by those words or why he gave me his number. But I sent him a text: I had fun tonight hanging out we should do it again.      
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Calling All Writers

7 Years Ago

Hey, everyone!

I am wanting to create a small group of writers who can all work together on big projects and do big things. These projects could include poetry chapbooks, short story books, or entire novels. After finishing these projects, we could aim to publish them or enter them into competitions.

Of course, there is no cost or fee involved at all.

If you are interested, please contact me at
[email protected]

Thanks for your time!
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mother in need.

7 Years Ago

Short Story:writing by makenson,zamy
Font: Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacingIt was a Wednesday as Robert sits in the hospital chair next to his mother just after being told she has been diagnosis with cancer. Shuddering, he couldn’t deal with emotions — he wasn’t only grievous but raging. He had no family outside of his mother. A lonely life. Nothing like his father, John. His parents have been separated for years now. John has not been in his life for most of his childhood. They never had that connection.
He looked at his mother as she was taking it all in, got up and walked out into the hallway. After a brief phone call, he learned her insurance wouldn’t cover the cost for all the treatment.
Robert didn’t know who could help, who would be there not only to help his mother, but to help him. Certainly not John. Knowing that his father left so early on in Robert’s life, John wouldn’t hesitate to turn away from all of it again. When the times get tough, John was nowhere to be found.
Robert’s had a degree in manufacturing. So, he knew what he had to do. Robert applied for a job at the MACK Manufacturing Company that night. The very next morning checked his email and received one from the company manager.
With little effort, Robert got the job. He was thrilled. A moment of joy waved over him knowing there was hope for his mother. Robert started working on the following Tuesday morning. He arrived earlier than most of the employees. His first day went well. The co-workers were as extremely nice and helpful. Some of them were even former high school classmates of his. The week went well and he could even flex his hours to help his mother when needed.
On a windy October Monday at 12:45 in the afternoon, Robert got his first check which he added to his $20,000 he had been saving for a new car. Later that day he visited the cancer treatment office, he payed for his mother treatment, her operations was done on the January 12th, 2016. although his father did find out about john mother cancer from a call by the hospital on the list of families. John never had tried to visit robert’s mother after finding out ,Roberts mother  had being in the hospital for at least 3 and a half month in other to recover. On June 5 2016 john mother had move in with him john feels closer knowing he can now protect his mother.
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mother in need.

7 Years Ago

Short Story:writing by makenson,zamy
Font: Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacingIt was a Wednesday as Robert sits in the hospital chair next to his mother just after being told she has been diagnosis with cancer. Shuddering, he couldn’t deal with emotions " he wasn’t only grievous but raging. He had no family outside of his mother. A lonely life. Nothing like his father, John. His parents have been separated for years now. John has not been in his life for most of his childhood. They never had that connection.
He looked at his mother as she was taking it all in, got up and walked out into the hallway. After a brief phone call, he learned her insurance wouldn’t cover the cost for all the treatment.
Robert didn’t know who could help, who would be there not only to help his mother, but to help him. Certainly not John. Knowing that his father left so early on in Robert’s life, John wouldn’t hesitate to turn away from all of it again. When the times get tough, John was nowhere to be found.
Robert’s had a degree in manufacturing. So, he knew what he had to do. Robert applied for a job at the MACK Manufacturing Company that night. The very next morning checked his email and received one from the company manager.
With little effort, Robert got the job. He was thrilled. A moment of joy waved over him knowing there was hope for his mother. Robert started working on the following Tuesday morning. He arrived earlier than most of the employees. His first day went well. The co-workers were as extremely nice and helpful. Some of them were even former high school classmates of his. The week went well and he could even flex his hours to help his mother when needed.
On a windy October Monday at 12:45 in the afternoon, Robert got his first check which he added to his $20,000 he had been saving for a new car. Later that day he visited the cancer treatment office, he payed for his mother treatment, her operations was done on the January 12th, 2016. although his father did find out about john mother cancer from a call by the hospital on the list of families. John never had tried to visit robert’s mother after finding out ,Roberts mother had being in the hospital for at least 3 and a half month in other to recover. On June 5 2016 john mother had move in with him john feels closer knowing he can now protect his mother.
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7 Years Ago

I am trying to have my RWA membership reinstated. I don't know yet if I will be able to do it.
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7 Years Ago

there is a problem adding anything to the forum
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Logo created by supportandhelpus.com

7 Years Ago

HP is a multinational Information Technology giant which is more officially known as Hewlett-Packard. The company is known for its quality products in field of hardware and software. The HP-Printer has definitely created a niche for itself as it has greatly changed the way to print and made life easier for millions. The company keeping in mind the customer relation created the <strong><a href="">HP Printer Customer Support Phone Number</a></strong> 1-800-826-8095 in order to help them understand the product and solve any query of theirs.

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Logo created by supportandhelpus.com

7 Years Ago

<img src="http://supportandhelpus.com/images/logo.png">