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Wuss poppin jimbo?

7 Years Ago

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Wuss poppin jimbo?

7 Years Ago

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Wuss poppin jimbo?

7 Years Ago

Did I post this twice? Hmmm
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Scared and confused

7 Years Ago

Am I just spamming the same post or are they just not sending?
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Hey guys!

7 Years Ago

Hey guys, new here!
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Let's make this group really friendly place

7 Years Ago

It will be great ha e one place e in writers Caffè . Where people don't Ata k each other. Some chill out place where friendship can be   create . You can come and became  one. Thanksgiving for that.
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Let's make this group really friendly place

7 Years Ago

It will be great have one. Treat each other with love and respect. Be open to a opinions with ,o e. We are together .Ike one nation poets and writers. Good luck. I love e you.
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Hey guys!

7 Years Ago

Hey guys!

So, just wanted to let you all know, I am not idle ha-ha. I am reading all your works and love them all! Keep going! I will try to review them all but, if I don't, I might not have understood it. =]

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Hey guys!

7 Years Ago

Hey everyone!

So, I just wanted to let you know, I am not idle in this group. I am reading all your works and will continue to do so. Also, I am going to try to write a review for all of them, but if I don't I most likely didn't understand it. =]

Over and Out
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No Subject

7 Years Ago

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Our Goals for July

7 Years Ago

Greetings! I'm going to get this party started by posting a little bit about my project and my goals for July, so you all can keep me accountable, if you want to. I'm writing a short story whose title (as of today) is "Paths of the Saints." Its protagonists are Marguerite Lavielle and Nolan McCammit, two very different people who must live alongside each other for a time, bearing the crosses of their own faults as well as those each other's company. The span of the story is three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My goal is to post 300 words a day... or a valid excuse as to why I couldn't! I look forward to hearing about (and then reading) your projects! Cheers!
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Our Goals for July

7 Years Ago

Greetings! I'm going to get this party started by posting a little bit about my project and my goals for July, so you all can keep me accountable, if you want to. I'm writing a short story whose title (as of today) is "Paths of the Saints." Its protagonists are Marguerite Lavielle and Nolan McCammit, two very different people who must live alongside each other for a time, bearing the crosses of their own faults as well as those each other's company. The span of the story is three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My goal is to post 300 words a day... or a valid excuse as to why I couldn't! I look forward to hearing about (and then reading) your projects! Cheers!
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Our Writing Goals for July

7 Years Ago

Hi everyone! I don't know why Lizzy couldn't start a post, but I'm recopying what she wrote here:

"(I tried to start a thread on our forum - but it won't let me. Posting this message as if it were my writing is plan B.) 

Greetings! I'm going to get this party started by posting a little bit about my project and my goals for July, so you all can keep me accountable, if you want to. 

I'm writing a short story whose title (as of today) is "Paths of the Saints." Its protagonists are Marguerite Lavielle and Nolan McCammit, two very different people who must live alongside each other for a time, bearing the crosses of their own faults as well as those each other's company. The span of the story is three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 

My goal is to post 300 words a day... or a valid excuse as to why I couldn't! 

I look forward to hearing about (and then reading) your projects! Cheers!"
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Our Writing Goals for July

7 Years Ago

I don't know why Lizzy couldn't post, but I'm recopying what she wrote here:

"(I tried to start a thread on our forum - but it won't let me. Posting this message as if it were my writing is plan B.) 

Greetings! I'm going to get this party started by posting a little bit about my project and my goals for July, so you all can keep me accountable, if you want to. 

I'm writing a short story whose title (as of today) is "Paths of the Saints." Its protagonists are Marguerite Lavielle and Nolan McCammit, two very different people who must live alongside each other for a time, bearing the crosses of their own faults as well as those each other's company. The span of the story is three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 

My goal is to post 300 words a day... or a valid excuse as to why I couldn't! 

I look forward to hearing about (and then reading) your projects! Cheers!"
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7 Years Ago

Very happy to have received an invitation to this group from my good friend, Genavenen. I see that others in the group have laid out their writing goals so I thought I would do the same.   For the last two years I've been immersed in a single large project and for months have found myself bogged down in the doldrums of edits and revisions. So, simply put, my goals here are to recapture the inspiration and enthusiasm so unique to first drafts.   With this in mind, I have selected a long-forgotten short-story outline hitherto left to languish in my ‘idea’s folder’ under the title Conversations between Man and Signpost.   The plan is for the story to be told in a series of short vignettes centering around a lonely old drunk who, while walking home from the bar after ‘last call’, is stalled each night by a red-light on the same street-corner and, while waiting for the light to change, holds conversation with a signpost on that corner which he mistakes each night for a fellow delinquent.   One thing I hope to explore and challenge myself with in this project is the use of ‘first-person-present’, a style I have never tried before, and have rarely found satisfying when reading other writers’ use of it, mostly because it tends to make the narrator sound like a journalist.   Rather than this, my vision is to let the narration flow more naturally from a mixture of internal and audible monolog (or, from our character’s perspective, dialog with his taciturn companion). The shifts should be easy to see: double quotes for what my man says aloud, and parentheses for the thoughts passing through his mind—I tend to work quite a bit of verse into all my writing, so I expect to reserve italics for that.   I have learned not to make any promises to myself concerning daily wordcounts, but do hope to post a new installment of these vignettes (first night, second night, etc.) at least every couple of days, probably in the range of 200-600 words apiece.   The only other thing I should note is that I am currently 8½ months pregnant and expect to deliver somewhere around July 15th. Therefore, I make no promises as to the commitment or direction of my writing in the second half of the month. Again, thanks for letting me join. Even if I am unable to keep up my own contributions for the entire month, I look forward to reading what everyone else has to share.
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Hi I guess

7 Years Ago

Hello fellow group members. I am Courtney. And I am new to this website. Kinda.

I don't really know what to say other than hi and maybe check out my writing if you feel like it at some point in time. And message me anytime if you wanna talk. Might take me a while to respond since I don't get on everyday but I will eventually.

Okay. Bye Bye 
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The first story of my Horror Collection Stories is out today.

7 Years Ago

Hi everyone. The Son is out now being the first Short graphic novel story of my Horror Collection Stories. Hope you get to read it and enjoy.
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The first story of my Horror Collection Stories is out today.

7 Years Ago

Hi everyone. The Son is out now being the first Short graphic novel story of my Horror Collection Stories. Hope you get to read it and enjoy.
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The first story of my Horror Collection Stories is out today.

7 Years Ago

Hi everyone. The Son is out now being the first Short graphic novel story of my Horror Collection Stories. Hope you get to read it and enjoy.
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The first story of my Horror Collection Stories is out today.

7 Years Ago

Hi everyone. The Son is out now being the first Short graphic novel story of my Horror Collection Stories. Hope you get to read it and enjoy.