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My 19 books

7 Years Ago

See my 19 books of short stories and poems at www.michaelreisman.net
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My 19 books

7 Years Ago

See my 19 books of short stories and poems at www.michaelreisman.net
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Poem Submit

7 Years Ago

A poem I wrote when my Dad died ... I still haven't gotten over the loss of him ...

Where Were You God ?

© April 2016 Written by David Wicker (dw817)
Permission granted to read aloud on "Coffee With Underhill"


Where were you God, when I was young ?
When life seemed so full, vibrant, and fun.

Then I met others who were hateful and cruel.
They said that I should always follow their rule.

And if I didn't do exactly as they said,
They told me I could well wind up dead.

And when I was hurt and placed in disgraceful shame,
In your absence, can you I fully blame ?

My torment was obvious for anyone to see,
Yet I can clearly see you turned your back on me.

Years went by, and my pain you never guessed,
Others suffer I now know because you could care less.

Where were you God, as I grew older,
I cried for you, and my mind grew colder ?

But not a word did you speak, not a single phrase.
I had to rely on men's words, to fill my days.

So insanity devoured my very soul,
I burned years for it with pains untold.

I was finally imprisoned within mental wards,
For believing to see things, different Lords.

Memories of the past come to haunt me still
I'll never be free, my sorrow is filled.

And now you demand of me to have my time ?
Yet not one second in my life did you answer mine ?

So allow me to answer your simple request.
Giving me none of yours, I keep the rest !

Even if I go straight to hell as others intend,
They're proof to me is that you're the image of man.

For only a man would vengeful be,
Gnashing his teeth with obvious fury.

Because I decide not to bow down unto you,
You'll turn your back and claim I am untrue.

And how can other truly feel
That they understand a loving God's zeal ?

It's presumptuous of us to believe we can
Interpret your Word, for we are only man !

For I believe it's truly beyond all of this,
Religion's a joke; an unproven myth.

So until then God, you're a shadow, not even a ghost,
My Guardian is the one who truly loves me the most.

And this Woman BEYOND awaits to hold my hand,
Through the days, I'll know and make my stand.

She'll hold me very close to her,
And ease my pain, my heart will finally stir.

For her I'll do the world and so much more,
Deep within my soul and to the core.

She's told me, if no one will ever have me,
Than she certainly will, and my pain will be set free.

And when my breath is still and I am dying
Into the sky with my Guardian, I will be flying.

So in my absence of faith, you can clearly see,
I'll be holding her hand, in death she waits for me.

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Dancing With The Devil

7 Years Ago

This song is called "Dancing With The Devil"

[Verse 1]
Surrounded and this darkness stays
Oh I can't make it go away
I drown it but it stays the same
I pray the Sheppard knows my name
Livin' numb but it don't stop pain
I keep waitin' for that 3 o'clock train
But it only takes me where I came
Oh Lord, Come and take my pain awaaaay
Come and take my pain awaaaay

All alone I go, Down this broken road, 
I'm afraid I know it all too well
But I suppose you can't keep dancin' with the devil,
and then wonder why you're still in hell, Yeah

[Verse 2]
This life of sin, Many men fall slave
Livin' life, One foot in the grave
The devil whispered it's too late to be saved
One more bottle, Burn it down in flames
Daily strangled by the guilt and shame
Entangled in my mangled brain
My mistakes don't leave, Don't fade
Oh Lord, Come and take my pain, Awaaay
Lord, Come and take my pain awaaay

All alone I go, Down this broken road, 
I'm afraid I know it all too well
But I suppose you can't keep dancin' with the devil,
and then wonder why you're still in hell, Yeah

Oh I know I dug this hole by myself,
And Lord knows, I didn't need no help
But I suppose you can't keep dancin' with the devil,
And then wonder why you're still in hell
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Help wanted to write a poem

7 Years Ago

Wanted to know if anyone was interested in collaborating on a poem.

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Help wanted to write a poem

7 Years Ago

Wanted to know if anyone was interested in collaborating on a poem.

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7 Years Ago

Hi everyone, it's taking me over 10 years to start posting my writings please take a look and all comments appreciated... TY :)
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Newbie Lost

7 Years Ago

Hey hope everyone is well, I am totally lost... I have published my first chapter but now how do I get people to read it... it only took 10 years to get this far in putting it online maybe now no one will read it... Anticipation is a horrible feeling when you don't know the outcome.
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Copy Right

7 Years Ago

How do I register my work with the U.S. Copyright Office? Be sure that your work is eligible for its copyright to be registered with the U.S. Copyright office:

On the date of first publication, one or more of the authors is a national or domiciliary of the United States, or is a national, domiciliary, or sovereign authority of a treaty party or is a stateless person wherever that person may be domiciled.The work is first published in the United States or in a foreign nation that, on the date of first publication, is a treaty party. For purposes of this condition, a work that is published in the United States or a treaty party within 30 days after publication in a foreign nation that is not a treaty party shall be considered to be first published in the United States or such treaty party, as the case may be.The work is first published by the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies, or by the Organization of American States.The work is a foreign work that was in the public domain in the United States prior to 1996 and its copyright was restored under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA)The work comes within the scope of a Presidential proclamation.Download and print the proper form from the U.S. Copyright website (www.copyright.gov).

Literary works: Form TX  Arts: Form PA (You will need this form if your work is a stage or screen play) Arts: Form VA  the completed application, the filing fee of $65.00 USD and 2 copies of your work to:

Library of Congress
Copyright Office
101 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20559-6000Your registration with the copyright office takes effect the moment your application, fee, and 2 copies of your work arrive at the office. The copyright office will send a certificate of registration to your mailing address in approximately 4 months.

If you need further information, please visit the United States Copyright website at www.copyright.gov

This is an option for winning writers to protect their work. Just as a reminder Decipher Books do include your full intellectual property rights and authors names. All due credit will be applied. By signing the official contract, all authors will not be relinquishing any property rights, but cannot make claims against publishing beyond the point of publishing after signing the contract. All rights are reserved for publication in consideration to the acceptance of Decipher Books rules.

Let me just tell you. These books are a collection of works: poetry and short stories. They are meant to teach, and entertain the audience of readers they may be able to accumulate over time. When these books are published and sold with all due consideration and respect, all authors will benefit from equal royalties. 
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Apologies for the Delay

7 Years Ago

This is for the winners of the contest. If you won and you are still interested in publishing, you have won free editing and consultation. I may or may not publish your work based on your feedback after consultation. The objective here is to publish worthy writers. 

I will be uploading a contract here in the group for downloading, copy past, print, sign, scan, type your signature.

Apologies for entering a random prize number for earnings. The earning will be guaranteed to be divided evenly among winners.

Once the publishing process is complete you will be notified and the book store sales reports will be attached to possible checks.

The point is to get worthy writers published, and for us all to pull together readers: people interested from participating in the contest, family, friends, and above all worthy fans of the book series. 

I want to talk about advertising, and authentic publishing for book stores and distribution to libraries (for school children etc).

Thank you.

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Review my books?

7 Years Ago

I would really love some more review on my books, Dream Journal and Infectious! I'd be more than happy to review others!
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Hello Everyone

7 Years Ago

I'm new to this group and this site. I'm looking for critiques of my novel Affinity & I'd be happy to critique other work. I'm interested in literary, commercial & upmarket fiction, women's fiction, romance, chick-lit.
Looking forward to meeting other writers!
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Introducing My Poetry Collection- Germinating Constellations

7 Years Ago

It will be available for FREE on Amazon Kindle on April 26th! I hope you enjoy it....if yes, I'd be very grateful for a review! 

I started writing this collection of poems in September of 2016, when I relocated to my birth country of Bosnia, and where I spent three months living in a neighborhood where I grew up as a child, revisiting the past and connecting with relatives and the land. The context was a hotbed for emotional catharsis and creative expression apparent in the upcoming pages. My second half of the journey took me back to New York City, my on and off home for the past decade, and extended to other visits that triggered the past, memories, unresolved entanglements and insights that I therapeutically and avidly poured on paper. 

The result is a concoction of stories divided into two thematic sections, 'Homeland Rhapsodies' and 'Inner Contemplations and Rude Awakenings', which had lived inside of me and chose to find a place in the external world where they could be more useful. Out of all the art I had created in life, words and using words as a medium for connection and transformation have been the most meaningful and fulfilling source of creation for me. I look forward to making more art from the heart (it all inevitably comes from there) and sharing it with the world. I am proud to hand over my first collection of poems to you, dear reader, in hope that it contributes to your life meaningfully in however small a way.
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My first poetry collection, Germinating Constellations, is out!

7 Years Ago

So proud of it and wanted to share it with others! Tomorrow, April 26th, it will be FREE on Amazon Kindle...I hope you enjoy it (and if you like it, I would be very grateful for a review). Here it is:

And here is a bit more about it:

I started writing this collection of poems in September of 2016, when I relocated to my birth country of Bosnia, and where I spent three months living in a neighborhood where I grew up as a child, revisiting the past and connecting with relatives and the land. The context was a hotbed for emotional catharsis and creative expression apparent in the upcoming pages. My second half of the journey took me back to New York City, my on and off home for the past decade, and extended to other visits that triggered the past, memories, unresolved entanglements and insights that I therapeutically and avidly poured on paper. 

The result is a concoction of stories divided into two thematic sections, 'Homeland Rhapsodies' and 'Inner Contemplations and Rude Awakenings', which had lived inside of me and chose to find a place in the external world where they could be more useful. Out of all the art I had created in life, words and using words as a medium for connection and transformation have been the most meaningful and fulfilling source of creation for me. I look forward to making more art from the heart (it all inevitably comes from there) and sharing it with the world. I am proud to hand over my first collection of poems to you, dear reader, in hope that it contributes to your life meaningfully in however small a way.
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I've noticed...

7 Years Ago

I've noticed that the genre category for when you put in your writing doesn't have a comedy section. I think that in this often dark, gloomy world we could all use more comedy in our lives. Anyone know how we can have them add a new genre?
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7 Years Ago

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New here with two separate beginnings to POTENTIAL short stories!

7 Years Ago

Okay, I am a full time employee working for a thankless company in a soul-crushing industry whose only purpose is to produce a profit.  I am given my bottom-line regardless of my production.  It's thankless and ultimately meaningless.  And it also takes up about 50 hours a week of my waking life.  Terrific!  But I used to be a wee lad, with aspirations of one day assaulting the world with a literary onslaught.  I wish to reawaken that aspect of myself.  So here I begin!  I have 'two' pieces under the book title "After Nothing".  One being Chapter 1 of "The After Nothing" and one being an "Untitled" piece.  I am almost begging for one of TWO things.  The confirmation that my dreams are not a fruitless endeavor... or the contrary.  So, any and all who are willing, no matter how blunt (though, you know... I hear kindness kills... so, well, kill me that way?) I beseech!  Read!  Respond!  Thank you all!
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Please review

7 Years Ago

Hi Members,

Request you to read this and give your comments.

Thanks in advance
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Please review

7 Years Ago

Hi Members,

Request you to read this and give your comments.

Thanks in advance
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Please review

7 Years Ago

Hi Members

Please read and give your valuable comments:

Thanks in advance