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7 Years Ago

Please remember everyone to write and post things in this group that have something to do with the group. I will have to delete any that are not.
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Tell us what brings you here

7 Years Ago

Hey all! I wanted to start off the threads by asking you what brings you to the Cafe and the group. What inspires or saddens you to write?

I have been writing for a long while, but have kept most of my work private. I write out of a certain hopefulness in the world, and the pain that rubs up against it; I'm glad now to have a place to share it and connect with other.

Nice to meet you!
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Hey :) I'm new

7 Years Ago

Hey Guys!
I'm new here 😊
Hope you all have a good time💕
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What brings you here?

7 Years Ago

Hey all! I'm glad to be part of this group, as it was at least partly this sight that reminded me I wasn't alone. I have been writing throughout my life but have kept almost all of it private. Writing to me is a peculiar byproduct made by a rubbing between hopefulness and despair. I now feel I ought to share at least some of my work, imperfect as it is. 

So, what brings everybody here?
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Part 7 The Asquith Group Case Study: Eleven Themes

7 Years Ago

11. Diversion   All available evidence suggests that young people coming into contact with the justice system are some of Victoria’s most vulnerable. For example, the Youth Parole Board and Youth Residential Board Annual Report for 2013-14 highlights that a significant number of young people in youth detention come from particularly disadvantaged backgrounds, with 89% having a history of alcohol and/or drug misuse, 60% having been victims of child abuse, trauma or neglect, 59% being current or former child protection clients, and 56% having been suspended or expelled from school. The earlier children and young people have contact with the justice system, the more likely they are to experience further problems with the law, particularly when there are underlying factors. It is imperative that those in the middle years especially are diverted from the justice system into support services at the earliest opportunity. While there have been or are a few valuable pre-plea diversion programs, (including ROPES and Right Step), these have been either limited in scope, locality and/or have had insecure funding.   The Victorian government’s investment in a Youth Diversion Pilot program is welcome. We are aware that following a tender process, Jesuit Social Services (JSS) is the provider of this 2105 / 16 program, together with the Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS), who will target young people with little or no history of offending. However we do note that as a Pilot, this Program operates for a limited period (12 months), and caters to limited numbers. There is a strong case to be made for greater investment in diversion programs as part of a bigger package of programs and services in the community, rather than spending money to keep individuals in prisons. For example the cost of new prison infrastructure and expansion of prisons to accommodate an increasing prison population within Victoria is in the hundreds of million of dollars. The 2013–2014 Victorian State Budget committed an extra $131.5 million on top of the $819 million prison funding announced last year to extending the prison system.   Prisons are pretty ineffective in preventing reoffending. Imprisonment in many cases is likely to have a negative impact on a young offenders offending trajectory. In Victoria, the most recent data shows reoffending rates of 57 per cent amongst juveniles sentenced to detention. It is widely accepted incarceration foster further criminality. Prison can diminish the health, economic and social outcomes in a young person’s life whilst also increasing the risk factors associated with offending. Diversion early in the criminal justice process offers a less costly and more effective way of addressing youth offending, especially when compared to the cost of detention or further matters coming before the court. Community based diversion and support programs cost about one tenth of what detention of a young offender in a youth justice facility costs Government. Resourcing programs in the community that address the underlying causes of young people’s offending by promoting rehabilitation and reintegration are key to preventing their trajectory into the criminal justice system and reducing reoffending. This is particularly the case given the well-known indicators of disadvantage that are characteristic of young people entering the criminal justice system, such as mental illness, alcohol and or substance abuse, and child abuse, trauma or neglect. Acknowledgements This Paper has developed out of ongoing discussions amongst the e2e Working Group. For their input into identifying and outlining key issues and associated recommendations, I wish to express my sincere thanks to representatives of the following:   - Ardoch Youth Foundation - Capital City LLEN - City of Stonnington – Youth Services - Education Engagement Partnership (EEP) - Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC) - Melbourne City Mission (MCM) / SKYS - Melbourne Polytechnic - Prahran Community Learning Centre (PCLC) - SouthPort Uniting Care (SPUC) - Taskforce Community Agency - Victoria Police   Andrew Neophytou IELLEN CEO/e2e Convenor July 2015
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Hey Everyone

7 Years Ago

Welcome all to this safe place, I would love to review everyones work Without a read request please. I will get to everyone who posts stuff on here eventually.
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7 Years Ago

hey i need someone advice on the new chapter of the dare game i posted matrix is busy and he is usually the one that grades and help edit my story.
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Hello to group

7 Years Ago

I haven't used this site much in the last few years but really need a boost in my writing career.  I do make money at my writing but if you don't keep feeding something, it wilts. 
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maybe all the forums here need a renaissance?

7 Years Ago

or are there some active?  which ones? 
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Pushing back the darkness

7 Years Ago

I am excited about the new book I have published. Please if you get the chance go check it out. Buy it. Share it. Review it. Tell everyone to help this poor author out. Ha! AuthorLauraAranda.com
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Published my book

7 Years Ago

I am excited to see my first book published. Check it out. AuthorLauraAranda.com Buy it Read it Share it Please Cheers!
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Pushing back the darkness -my published book

7 Years Ago

I am excited to see my first book published. Check it out. AuthorLauraAranda.com Buy it Share it Review it
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BATIM Youtube Walkthroughs

7 Years Ago

I am going to be doing a full BATIM walkthrough, despite being a massive wussbucket. Here's Chapter 1:

Feel free to post links to your videos here, as well!
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General Discussion

7 Years Ago

Post your stuff here for now, and if tthis group gets large enough, then I'll make individual threads for the various things about BATIM. ^^
My playthrough link: 
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7 Years Ago

welcome to my group hope to see you join us
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gun shots

7 Years Ago

In the early morning gunshots rang out. At first one or two but it escalated quickly until it sounded like there was hundreds of light machine guns shooting all at once. Of course i woke up immediately. Who wouldn’t wake up to the sound of guns being fired. I grabbed my stuff and I checked my rifle to make sure it was loaded. I ran to the tree line and started to set up my rifle. When i heard someone running towards my position I quickly grabbed my pistol and took aim. At the direction they were coming when I saw who it was I lowered my gun. “D****t Edward what are you doing here” “I came to tell you where the enemy commander is drin” “ well hurry up and tell me”  “he’s 100 yards behind the artillery line” “that's 1,000 yards away! Do you mistake me for a miracle worker do you?!” “ no but the general does” “ Edward tell the general that it will take me sometime to get in position” “got it drin” see u to night drinks on me” thanks edward bye” After he left I cursed like a sailor. For a while i just sat there wondering how would I do this. Before boot camp i never laid a hand on a gun heck I never even shot one before. Now I i’m going behind enemy lines and killing their commanders like it’s nothing at least that’s what everyone thinks in reality i’m scared as hell . Every morning i wake up thinking this is the last day i take a breath. But somehow not once have i took a bullet not once have i been shot at. So that’s why i think that the other members of the platoon are more heroic then i am. Of course i never told them this because they all look up at me. When i got done thinking i grabbed  my supplies and headed off towards the enemy general location i used the trees as cover. I quickly moved from tree to tree. Luck was on my side because the sun hasn’t rose fully yet when i got to the spot where Edward told me he would be a 100 yards behind the enemy artillery line. I nearly ran into an enemy soldier  i stopped immediately and ran behind a crop of trees. I quickly switched to my pistol and took aim just incase the soldier got any closer. I cursed my luck. Of course the same day that i get told that i don't have to pay for drinks i run into an enemy soldier just walking around. I quickly looked around  to see if there was anyway i could get around the enemy without getting spotted. I silently even more. I looked up  again and saw that the soldier was gone and i started to breath easier intel i heard someone c**k there gun behind me. I slowly put my gun down and raised my hands over my head. And i turned around i cursed loudly it was the soldier i saw wandering around. “F**k my life” the enemy just laughed at that. “So you're  the notaries sniper that's been  taking out are generals””maybe i am maybe i'm not the world shall never know”The enemy soldier couldn’t stop laughing at my response. While the soldier was laughing i notice that it wasn't actually a man under that helmet the soldier was a girl. I was in total shock how did a woman get into the military not only that but how did she get onto the frontlines? I never heard of a girl on the frontlines before then i realize that i seen her face before she's on the wanted posters on the wall back at headquarters. Once i finally got out of my thoughts i notice that she's been trying to get my attention. “Hey you awake buddy” “ yes i'm awake i'm just surprised that you weren't a guy” she smiled at my response. “Don't be to surprised i got to get back to my commander and report that it's all clear over here” I was surprised. “Wait you're not going to turn me into your commander?” “yep why do you seem so surprised?” I just looked at stunned at this. “ because i thought you were completely different from what i heard you were completely evil but hear you are saving my life and risking yours” “I got to get going before my commander starts wondering where i'm at you should leave to bye” When she left i just sat there quietly in disbelief that just happen. After a while i started to head back. When i got back to camp it was almost dark. My battoon came up to me and ask me where i've been. Well that’s not the best way to say it more like they were a pack of stampeding bulls coming at me. “Where have you been?” “It took me a while to find a location that had a good shot on the enemy commander” After i said that they calm down a bit. After a while of just standing there in silence I told them i’m going to head to bed. We all said are good nights and headed off to bed knowing we are going to have a busy day tomorrow. It was around midnight that i woke up to the sound of a twig snapping near my tent. I got up and went to see what the sound came from when I walked out of my tent i was shocked to see the enemy soldier i saw earlier. “Damnit I thought i recognized you from before” I just stood there dumbfounded
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7 Years Ago

My heart is no more swollen with immense love and passion. It's reluctant to shower overabundance of generosity upon anyone. Don't expect it to supply your soul with plenty of superfluous love and feelings, because gone are the days when my heart was selfless. Now it seeks fulfilment... Numerous temporary connections with every soul on the street. It is no more willing to bound itself within the claustrophobic cage of loyalty. It wishes to stay wild, detached, unsympathetic, cold and free. Yes, it's free, yet under control. I control it. I control to ensure that It doesn't drown in ocean of emotions. I open the cage when I want my heart to feed on the delicious joys of flings, flirt, temporary romance, emotionless attachment. I murdered the self that my heart once possessed. I murdered it because it was acting up. Because it wanted to deceive itself with emotions like love, passion, and altruism. It craved to become a selfless lover. I had to become merciless. It pleaded to survive...it pleaded to let itself stay in the dark. Then the moment came when I allowed my mind to take up the sword and kill that impertinent self that my heart relished in. Since then, the darkness of delusion evaded, and I put a leash on my heart and reared it in a fashion that it became cold as ice.
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So Long...

7 Years Ago

Hey everyone, it feels like forever since I was on Writerscafe and that's only because I found a different website that I write my stories on. I'm so sorry for not being on this website!!!
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7 Years Ago

Tell us if you are a gothic fantasy fan.  If so, what is your  thoughts on The Gothic Fantasy? 
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I'm not sure what I'm doing...

7 Years Ago

I feel like there is supposed to be a spot to post our literary works, but I DO NOT THINK THIS IS IT.