100 % Review : Forum

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hello everyone

7 Years Ago

I am new 
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7 Years Ago

Howdy all! I am just new and I would like to read some works and be inspired in here. Hope to get some reviews also with my book THE LEGEND OF THE TEARS OF NATURE. chow! :)
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7 Years Ago

                          I coughed
            I puffed
               I cut
           I drank
        But what for?
     I didn't want to spend six months in adolescent rehab.
        All those pills could've helped someone else
        Why did I do this?
        I could've just died
         End it all quickly
        I like sleeping
      I don't feeling
    I could use some sleep...
Either it's too much or too little
     Why can't I just peacefully take the shame
     While influencing our sick, young society
    I performed the selfish act for myself
     We'll take your shame
       Your opinions
     We can't help our feelings
        So we sleep
    Lights out
      Don't say a thing
       Stop suffering
                  And sleep.

  (ack so emo I'm sorry I found this in my drafts, from a sleepless night. don't mind me, please ♡)
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7 Years Ago

Never got off the ground. The seed waits. One day the gardeners will arrive. Then she will burst.
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7 Years Ago

Wow.  I can't even remember how to post a thread I have been gone so long.  Anyway, I am talking with cousin Helena and thinking about getting our group back up and running.  Hope folks are still interested.  Helena will be making some noise soon.  I opened a new FaceBook Page called Tovli's Journal.  I am still kind of clumsy with it, but please feel free to join up: 

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Review Swap

7 Years Ago

Hey there, ho there!

I'm looking for someone to read my work and leave their general thoughts. In turn, I'd do the same for whoever else is looking for a considered review. The catch here is... I'm 5 chapters into my first novel, totaling somewhere around 10,000 words.

It's a lot of reading, I know.

But I'm desperate for feedback. I'm at a point where I'm considering scrapping the whole project and starting again--it really comes down to me needing a objective voice in the mix.

And again, I'm willing to read and consider anything you've written.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
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5 Chapters Finished - Review PLZ?

7 Years Ago

I'm about 5 chapters into my first novel--for a whopping total of 10,000 words. I know, it's a lot to read, but I REALLY need some feedback and notes from an objective source. I'd be happy to read your work in turn.

Warning! There is a great deal of violence in this book so far. Violence plays a thematic role in the whole piece, so if you're sensitive, I suggest you pass on this. It's horror, drama, and just a little bit of scifi.

Please, please, please read : D thank you!
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In Desperate Need of a Review

7 Years Ago

Hey! I have a preeetty big piece to share. I'm 5 chapters into my first novel, so it's a big read--for that, I'm sorry. But I really am hoping to get some input/feedback on the whole piece so far. It's pretty violent, so if you don't have a stomach for that kind of thing, you might want to stay away. Otherwise, I would greatly appreciate your time : )

If you have anything you'd like me to review, I'd love to help. Thanks!

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7 Years Ago

Find the mistakes in this short paragraph and give a solution:

I  have found the 100 dollars. I don't know where to spend it. I am interested on antique objects. I like the physics, so I think I will invest money on this subject. I am still in the high school.
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7 Years Ago

Please find the mistakes in this short paragraph and fix it.

I have found the 100 dollars. I do not know where to spend it. I am interested on physics, so I will invest my money in this subject buying new books.
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7 Years Ago

Find the mistakes and correct them.

I have found the 100 dollars. I am interested on physics, so I will invest money in this branch of science.

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7 Years Ago

Please find the mistake of this short paragraph and correct it.

I have found the 100 dollars. I am interested on the physics, so I will invest in this subject. I think it is a good investment.
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7 Years Ago

Please find the mistakes in this short paragraph and correct them.

I have found the 100 dollars. I am interested on the physics, so I will invest in this subject. I hope to do the correct. 
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7 Years Ago

Please find the mistake in this short paragraph and correct it.

I have found 100 dollars. I am interested on the physics, so I will invest my money in this subject. I hope to do the correct.
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hesitantly, I click the keys

7 Years Ago

Well, here I am. 

It is strange. I am scared of sharing my work for fear or ridicule while at the same time I fear my tale will go untold. In the end it seems the latter fear had the greatest influence.

So I present to you all for review The Demons Among Us (www.thedemonsamongus.com), a sci-fi/fantasy web-novel that I have been in some stage of writing for almost half my life. Being a web novel it is updated every so often rather than being thrown out all at once. Right now I have chapters 1-4 up but have written many more in draft format, waiting to be polished then published.

Please go easy on me. I know my grammar... well it must be horrible. I have never taken any writing classes and I am almost certain I overuse commas. 

I guess I just want to know if I have any talent for this at all or if I am just banging the keys in futility.
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They're More Than Scars

7 Years Ago

These aren't just scars Each one has a story to it. Maybe it was a broken heart Or a fight with a friend, But they all show the same thing. Me trying to get rid of one pain by covering it up with another. Maybe one day it'll go to far, And I'll be gone for good.
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Meet and Greet the admin!

7 Years Ago

Hello fellow group members! This post is to meet me. So...My name is Emma and i am very creative. I like to write storys because, i just like it.. xD I may sometimes be lazy and i can have very bad grammar. xD And yeah, that is like, all about me. xD Idk what you want to know more..xD
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Hi everyone

7 Years Ago

I have recently joined thus group and would love for someone to review some of my poems. I will review something of your if you would like me to as well.
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Hi everyone

7 Years Ago

I have recently joined thus group and would love for someone to review some of my poems. I will review something of your if you would like me to as well.
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7 Years Ago

Is this group still active?