100 % Review : Forum

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7 Years Ago

Lux allure!
Every morning or evening, even to obtain a little while, or after your exercise, be apt to get in some good safety. Yoga is wonderful for that experts claim. If you are a person a gym, you have so selections. Choose something you adore.
Read more===================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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7 Years Ago

Third times the charm... The threads just won't go up...

This is a space to introduce yourself and speak a bit about whatever you wish.

Myself; I'm an author of Grimdark Fantasy after publishing my first book last year. I look to release more and enjoy the genre immensely.
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7 Years Ago

Hey everyone. I'm new here as well as writing stories So I'm hoping that you guys read my story and give me feedbacks, I really value getting reviews. It's helps me a lot. Thank you.
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Hello, I am new hear.

7 Years Ago

I am looking for some reviews. Look forward to hearing for you. Thanks.
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Hello, I am new hear.

7 Years Ago

I would love a review. Thanks.

I am also looking for proof reading.
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7 Years Ago

Well, our first prompt didn't do too well. I asked for a letter from Rudolph and got poetry. February's prompt is about a dry erase board. Remember, keep them short, creative and just have a little fun.
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Post for Shadow story (DuffyDreamer)

7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.

Growth Scene:
Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. 

He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door.

The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found.

He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers. She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...
[reply] [quote]

Shadow (Duffy Dreamer)

7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...

[reply] [quote]


7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...

[reply] [quote]


7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...

[reply] [quote]

Emily Livengood Dig the Sky

7 Years Ago

Here is for our posts
[reply] [quote]


7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...

[reply] [quote]

Duffy Dreamer

7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...

[reply] [quote]


7 Years Ago

why is this not letting em write
[reply] [quote]

this sucks

7 Years Ago

[reply] [quote]


7 Years Ago

[reply] [quote]

DuffyDreamer (Shadow)

7 Years Ago

We Will work here
[reply] [quote]


7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...

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7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

Soli Scene 1 The days seemed restless in Adria. He woke and slept to the same sun, the same moon, the same loneliness. It wasn't long ago when he heard the laughter and screaming of others. But his voice could no longer play games with himself and he couldn’t tell anymore of it was his echo or someone else. He questioned whether or not he was really and truly alone.  Soli slowly slouched out of his hammock to open the door and let the light of hope shine through the day. As the red, cushioned door opened wide, a great, white tide rapidly approached. He quickly stumbled out to the warm sand, desperate not to miss the special event. It had been ten years since its last visit, so Soli stood at the very edge of the sand patch and watched in amazement. The tide reached the sky and separated in two, passing by both sides of the land. There, the giant whales, decorated in onyx and pearls, swiftly passed by his eyes. He reached into the wall of water to get a craved touch of the unique creature. It's warm, gigantic body gave him confidence of life somewhere beyond the sand patch. And there, a rushing wind followed the flow of the water tide, singing to Soli once again.
"Da, da, de, do, do. da, da, de, day. With the wind I'll drift away."
The pulse of the ocean carried the Orcas, blessing him with temporary comfort once again, for Soli was six the last time it happened. The waters calmed slowly and the wind kissed his cheek on its goodbye. The sun glittered off the oceanic blanket of the Adriatic Sea. He looked beyond the violet, water-colored horizon in hopes of another tide swarming through. But then the sun fell and slept on the other side of the sands and the white balloons began to peek out from behind the dark clouds. Diamonds slowly evaporated towards the sky, and Soli strolled off once again to his lonely home, singing the tune of the teasing wind.
"Da, da, de, do, do, da, da, de, day. Lone and young I sleepeth away." 
The door slowly closed and night vibrated the silence of the anomaly island.
Leila Scene 1
I strolled along the stirring water, feeling nothing underneath my feet. The water roared, the wind carried a song and I longed to feel like I use to. My hair rustled in the wind and tickled my neck. The cold chill of water falling down on my skin. The weight of my body on the earth. But instead, I am cursed to remain a shadow, barely alive in the world. Ever since that day, I have roamed the island not as the girl I was, but as a shadow. I haunted the daytime and blended into the night.  I’ve traveled a new path everyday hoping to light up my dull life as a shadow. My heart is adventurous and social but not a soul was left on the abandoned island. I try to stay positive and enjoy the beauty, but just like me, the world has no color. Everything was merely different shades of black and grey. I still had all my memories from before and could identify what colors were suppose to be present on certain things. I close my eyes and dream in color. The water is a crisp blue with diamonds bouncing off from the sunlight. The sun is a ball of warm oranges and yellows, casting down upon the various greens of the trees. The sand have shades of brown and tan scattered in minuscule pieces that come together as one land. I open my eyes. Darkness. The wind picked up once again and a melody started to build. I heard it as clear as day and followed it. I started to harmonize with the beloved tune and a smile found it’s way on my face. The world might be dark but music has always brought me joy. The song continued to play as I followed it’s origin. It rewarded me by getting louder and I knew it was close. As I advanced, a third sound echoed. While I treaded along, the voice sharpened and I heard it to be a boy. I thought myself crazy, no one else was on the island. I had to be hearing things. So I continued singing and found my way to a small but charming house. Suddenly, there was movement near the house. My singing cut short and my eyes went wide. I was about to run when a boy peeked around the corner of the home. We met eyes and I gulp. His face perfectly displayed what I was thinking.  We were not alone.
Soli/Leila Scene 2

Bothered by the site of his shadow, he looked away to decipher the teasing illusion of a girl as his dark reflection. Could she be real? He tested the shadow’s form by raising his arms, but she did not mimic his motions. She seemed to be detached and rather frightened. The boy reached a hand over to the dark shade and excitedly says:
"My name is Soli, can you hear me?" The boy knelt and put his ear next to the flat-surfaced girl. "I thought I heard you singing? Please tell me are you real shadow?” LeilaHe was advancing towards me and all I could do was stare. 
"My name is Leila, and of course I can hear you! Yes, I like to sing. I heard the wind's melody and decided to join in."
Soli was as equally stunned as I in this situation. But how could he see me? 
"I didn't know anyone else was on this island.”
Soli How could this be? Clearly it is a tease, she couldn’t possibly be real. Desperate in his encounter, he ran toward the edge of the sand, yet the shadow trailed behind.
"Why do you follow me?" He asked but Leila remained silent.
After so many years, another had endured in his same loneliness. Soli was afraid, but being afraid with someone else sounded better than being alone.
"I guess you must be real.” Soli remarked as he sat down on the gritty sand. “In that case, if you have no where to live, you could stay here with me." Soli pointed to his house and looked at the faceless shadow in hopes of her accepting the offer.
The sun gleamed over his shoulder and he could see eyes like the ocean, beaming bright. But in a second, it was gone. He shuffled backward in disbelief, confused and stunned. 
LeilaOut of nowhere Soli ran to the sand. Desperate for conversation, I ran after him.
His offer was enticing but I can not accept. I am a freak. A shadow that does not eat, sleep or even have details. But something about the way he spoke and his endearment, it warmed me. 
I could not feel the sun but I watched as it fell over Soli. I stopped to take him in. I longed to see him in color; his skin, hair, eyes. Instead, I tried to imagine and daydreamed of such things.
"Thank you Soli, but I do not need a home. I'll come and visit you everyday instead. How does that sound?”

SoliThe sun began its decent and the shadow seemed to grow further away.
“Wait, where are you going? How do I know you will come back Leila?” 
Soli pounded the sand in frustration. He realized he was coming on too strong.
“I'm sorry, I've just been alone for so long, I stopped believing in hope. But then you arrived. You are not an angel, so what are you?"
He scratched the sand where she had been, hoping he would find her buried underneath. Fear and joy enlighten his heart... Would he see her again or was it all a dream?
Leila I knew this part all too well. When the sun leaves, so do I. As I slowly faded, all I could do was watch as Soli cried out and released anger of desperateness. I longed to tell him it would be fine and I would return but I was too far gone. The Shadow World engulfed me and Soli was just a memory. I burned his imagine in my mind, hoping to never forget him. 
Tomorrow, I would return to him.
Growth SceneSoli Waking the next beautiful sunny morning, Soli remembered what happened... "Was it a dream?" he asks himself looking at a smoggy mirror. He wipes off the smog and looks at the reflection of the Red Velvet door. The young boy runs out towards the sand, searching for his new friend. But nothing could be found. He runs back towards the yard where he first saw here, but there stood the silent tree, no shadow, no noise.

The boy then began to tune the song, he held his ears far apart, spread to listen for any voice...

"♫ ♪ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day; Will my friend come play today? ♪ ♫"

Leila I appeared back in the island gasping for air as I finally escaped the Shadow World. I needed to catch my breath before exploring again. Wait, there was something tickling my brain, trying to surface. What was it…
Oh, him!  Suddenly, flashes of images flooded my mind. His eyes, hair, smile… And I remember what I promised myself. I can still see his terrified face as he thought loneliness would be upon him again. I have to be there for him, and fix that sad boy’s heart. I think I could actually be needed. That thought scared and excited me, so I shut it down and headed towards his home. 
I heard his voice before seeing his face, and a smile threatened to creep up my face. I gave in and walked to him with a smile. 
♪ ♫ Da, Da, De, Do, Do, Da, Da, De, Day. Soli, if you’re here please do say. ♪ ♫”
Soli Soli's ears danced to the ringing of her voice, and the smiling boy turns around to find the lovely shadow in the garden, hiding behind the flowers.

She is here! He thinks excitedly!

"Im so glad you made it! I thought you wouldnt come." The boy jeers joyfully, his eyes water at the excitement and hops over to her. But he noticed the girl was running away, was she playing with him?

"What are you doing Leila? You know I'm faster than you, I will catch you!" The boy rushes to a chase after the silly shadow laughing at the childish games...