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Winter-Inspired Writing Prompts: Join in the fun.

7 Years Ago

There’s an old man out on the lake. He’s sitting in a rickety wooden chair and fishing through a hole in the ice. A loud cracking noise suddenly reverberates and he feels the ice shift beneath him. He scurries, but the hole expands too quickly and he goes into the icy water before he can get away. What happens next?
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January Winter-Inspired Writing. Join In the Fun.

7 Years Ago

There’s an old man out on the lake. He’s sitting in a rickety wooden chair and fishing through a hole in the ice. A loud cracking noise suddenly reverberates and he feels the ice shift beneath him. He scurries, but the hole expands too quickly and he goes into the icy water before he can get away. What happens next?
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January Winter-Inspired Writing. Join In the Fun.

7 Years Ago

There’s an old man out on the lake. He’s sitting in a rickety wooden chair and fishing through a hole in the ice. A loud cracking noise suddenly reverberates and he feels the ice shift beneath him. He scurries, but the hole expands too quickly and he goes into the icy water before he can get away. What happens next?
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7 Years Ago

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Heyyyoooo New mem here!

7 Years Ago

So I just joined a few days ago! I'm really used to using Wattpad, but I wanted to try out some other websites to get more reviews and feedback; especially moving from Fanfiction to Fantasy. 

If y'all could go check out my profile and read Guardians, that'd be super rad! I'd be happy to check out your work too! I'm all about helping each other out. Writers gotta stick together! 

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January's Birthdays

7 Years Ago

Everyone in the group would like to wish you all a 
very ''Happy Birthday''!!
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A New Page

7 Years Ago

I turn the fragile page of my life, ever so slowly, so as not to crease or tear the imprint of the moment. I turn the page on a half roll so that I may see yesterdays entry along with today. I am not willing to give up some part of that old book - though it should be burned; nor can I just put it away on a shelf to become laden with dust. No, I bring it with me and simply rewrite the horrifying chapters with a new pen and bloodier ink.  
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I'd love a Review of my children's story! :)

7 Years Ago

The aim of this story is to illustrate it and to put it into print as a sort of charity project. :) I want to make sure I iron out all the wrinkles before I send it to my illustrator. :D Pretty please with a cherry on top, and thank you in advance! 

Once upon a time in a far off kingdom, a young princess at the age of eight sat at the edge of the border between two countries. And between those two countries, lay a deep canyon separating them. On each side of the canyon, a mile of desolate and dry land covered the arid landscape. It was a stark difference to the lush green trees and vegetation that followed immediately after the one mile mark.   
The princess often wondered what the kingdom on the other side of the canyon looked like. It has been a long time since their land had been separated by the vast expanse between the canyon walls. Was it a country filled with thorns and thistles?   
She breathed in and out, pressing her hands up against her cheeks, kicking her legs back and forth loosely at the cliff where she sat.   
“I wish I had someone to talk to!” shouted the princess to the canyon, it's response an echo of her own words.   
“Is someone there?” The canyon shouted back to her in the air after her echo, starting her. “Hello? Anyone?”  
The Princess's heart beat fast in fear. Or was it excitement? It wasn't possible for a canyon to speak back. Was someone else really there? She glanced to the other side and narrowed her eyes to try and see further, but she could see only landscape. She stood to her feet, cupped her mouth and shouted, “Yes, I'm here! Where are you? ...Who are you?”  
“"My name's George. I think, I'm right across from you! You sound like you're from the other side. But, why can't I see you?” The voice replied.  
"I don't know why either." The princess answered back, and picked up a pebble, for she had an idea. She tossed it over to the other side as far as she could, to see if it would reach his side. To her dismay, it didn't fall that far. But something strange happened. It landed in the middle of the expanse of the canyon, right in the air. It stood still there, as if there was a floor. The princess stared at the pebble in wonder, her mouth agape. Was it magic?  
“I'm going to try to walk across! I think there's a magic bridge here!” She shouted to the person on the other side.   

“What? Really? Wait, what if you're wrong?”  
Fear filled her heart and as she was about to take a step forward, she instead stepped back. The pebble also fell down the expanse.   

“I see a pebble! Was that you?” The voice from across asked.   
“Yeah, I threw it! But it just fell…”   

“I've never seen anything come from the other side, that was pretty cool!” The voice exclaimed.  
“How old are you, George?” Annette asked. She was really curious about this boy she’d just met.  

“I'm eight.” George exclaimed proudly.  
“That’s so cool, so am I!” Princess Annette was so happy, she nearly leapt up and down. She didn't have many friends her age. She was almost always surrounded by her guards, servants, and other nobility.  
"What's your name?" George asked.  
"Mine's Annette!" The princess exclaimed.  
"Princess Annette, where are you?!" Several faint voices called from the woods. Her father's guards had been sent to bring her back home.  
"George, I have to go, but I hope we can meet again!" Princess Annette sprinted back to the woods. It would be bad if they found her near the canyon again.  
Years passed, and when the two could leave from their homes to meet, they often spoke about the others lives. They liked to compare how their kingdoms were like or were not, only to find out that they were both almost similar. As their friendship grew, they talked more. They didn't care if they couldn't see each other or not. They didn't know each other's titles. And on their birthdays, they would use a bow and arrow to send birthday notes to each other. But as time went on, the two started getting curious. Their parents warned them of the enemies who lived on each side of the expanse. They were ugly and horrid and ate their own people. Who was that person they'd been talking to for years? Was it true what it was that was being said of them?  
At eighteen years old, they visited the expanse less and less. First it was twice a month, then once a month, then less.   Communication was scarce between the two, and the princess found herself longing for the boy she once knew. The boy had become a man, whose voice had become handsome, and his words very kind. She knew what her people said of him and his people, but when she thought of all the conversations they had had, she decided to ignore her people's opinions. Whether or not he was lying all this time, she wanted to know for herself. She would face her fears of being wrong about him head-first.
 She was twenty years old when she returned to the cliff. She sighed and she sat over it, swinging her legs. She was bored, and she wished he were here with her today. So Princess Annette picked up a rock, and she tossed it across. She had expected it to fall, but instead it landed, like when they had first met. The princess stood to her feet, startled. Could there truly be a bridge? Perhaps the first stone had just fallen over a crack in the invisible wood? Yet still, why couldn't she ever see the mysterious outlander? Yes, that strange boy she had befriended, and was distant from now, made her feel desolate inside.
"Well, it's now or never." The princess uttered. Before the bridge disappeared, she would walk on it all the more. Her legs trembled as she stepped off of the cliff, on the apparent empty space of the air of the abyss. Her foot landed on something amidst the air. Her eyes widened and she smiled, taking another step further. One foot after the other, the princess obliged, to the burning curiosity that awaited to be answered on the other side. In the middle of the expanse she bumped into a barrier.   
"How curious." The princess whispered, and felt a doorframe as she touched around the barrier. "There's a door here!" She exclaimed, and searched for a doorknob.  
At the same time she found it, the door opened on it's own, and the princess fell through it. On the other side she spotted a young man, gallant looking and tall. He wore a knights armor, with helmet and all.   
"Who are you?" The armored man asked in bewilderment. The voice sounded familiar, and the princess went ahead and embraced him.   
"George! I can't believe it!" The princess exclaimed. 
"Annette?" The armored man stepped back in disbelief. He took off his helmet, revealing his face.   
Annette noticed his skin color was a bright red-orange. Much different from hers, which was velvet violet. Other than that, no differences remained. They both had two eyes, two ears, and a nose. They both looked like humans, and they both wore clothes. They weren't the monsters that of their peoples had described. That their skin was different was of no regard. George held her tight and spun her around in joy.  

"I missed you so much!" The princess exclaimed. "You have no idea how boring the palace is when all everyone does is grumble all day. They always make a fuss about this or that."   

"They grumble a lot, do they?" George laughed. "My people said all your side does is beat each other and evilly laugh."  

"Both of our people were wrong." Princess Annette laughed too. She was happy to know she was right about George. How could anyone judge her friend without knowing him? She even felt bad for having doubted him.  

"Do you work in the palace?" George asked. "You don't look like a servant."  

"No, I'm a princess." Annette replied with a twinkle in her eye. "But I do still like to climb trees."   

"I'd always thought so, but I wasn't quite sure. For a princess to know so much of her kingdom outside the walls is a rare thing to be certain." George chuckled.   

"I'd always thought you were a prince." The princess beamed.   

"And if I'm not that?" George's face grew concerned then.  

"Then I'll just be wrong." The princess giggled, and looked at his side of the canyon. Beyond the desert of one mile, was a green meadow filled with flowers, and a lone tree in the middle of it.  She could hear birds chirping up in the air. It was quite different from the image she had imagined of it before. "And I don't think it really matters."

"Truth be told, I'm a knight." George admitted sheepishly.

"Really, that's wonderful!" Princess Annette's eyes glimmered. "I finally meet my knight in shining armor!" 

"I thought you said it didn't really matter." George rolled his eyes, and then laughed. 

"Is it wrong for me to compliment my best friend?" Princess Annette poked his armor, teasing him. 

"How did you know that I'd be here today?" George questioned the princess. The princess walked on without looking down at the expanse, reaching George's side of the cliff canyon edge.   

"I didn't. But you were." The princess spoke softly. "...and that makes much happier than I've been in a while." Annette pulled him along with her to the meadow.   

The two spoke on that day, up until the evening. George had learned that a magic spell had separated the kingdoms. The magician's spell had used a barrier and illusion to keep the kingdoms at bay. The canyon wasn't a canyon, and the rocks that fell, were simply absorbed into the ground to keep people from learning the true secret behind it. Their friendship had broken the spell, and when George realized it, that's when he returned there. It had created a door for them since they both appeared, that's how they had met then.  

When they had to go back to their homes, Princess Annette became sad. She didn't want to return to her land. But George and Annette agreed on one thing. In order to break the spell of the barrier, they needed to go back to bring peace to their nations, and unveil the truth.

The only thing ugly and monstrous to each country was their own hatred against their fellow People. Foreign people they barely knew, for they had never had the chance - Since the day their ancestors had placed the invisible barrier between them. It took time to mend the harm the separation had caused. To many the barrier remained unbreakable, even in the years to come. But for those who saw past their hate and welcomed those beyond the border; life became more vibrant, and peace was ever more abundant in their world. 

The spell was broken when enough people from both sides, set aside their differences and learned each others true natures. Friendships blossomed, and love replaced hatred. They worked fast to restore the dry land between their countries. Soon it was filled with green grass, and vast flower gardens.

Any sign of the barrier had long been erased, and with time most forgot it had even existed. Queen Annette and King George lived happily ever after, as all fairy tale people do, even while there are still those hateful few. It will always remain so as long this fact remains; True love, friendship, and harmony breaks through all barriers.   
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New Website for My Book

7 Years Ago

Just got finished getting a website designed and cover done for my book, Burner.  Hoping to get it published in March!  Can you please take a look and give me some critique on the site and if it's easy to use?

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New Website for My Book

7 Years Ago

Just got finished getting a website designed and cover done for my book, Burner.  Hoping to get it published in March!  Can you please take a look and give me some critique on the site and if it's easy to use?

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Please check out my book site

7 Years Ago

Just got finished getting a website designed and cover done for my book, Burner.  Hoping to get it published in March!  Can you please take a look and give me some critique on the site and if it's easy to use?

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Please check out my book site

7 Years Ago

Just got finished getting a website designed and cover done for my book, Burner.  Hoping to get it published in March!  Can you please take a look and give me some critique on the site and if it's easy to use?

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New to make writing friends!

7 Years Ago

Hey there, I'm new to this board.  I am a poet, and looking to connect with a few others for edits and rewrites.  I spend 3 times as much time editing my own work for submission as I do actually writing it.  I will gladly help edit and rewrite for others as well in exchange for your attention to my work :)  I am seeking people I can have a personal connection to, as it makes the editing process so much more inspiring.  Nice to meet you!
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New chapter in A Silvertongue's tale!

7 Years Ago

It is shorter than the other chapters, but please tell me what you think!
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Erotica Writers Out There?

7 Years Ago

Hey there folks,

Among other genres I write erotica and prose with sexual innuendo. Is it acceptable to post this kind of writing here? Are there other erotica writers here?

Kind regards,
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New chapter in A Silvertongue's tale!(apologies if double posted)

7 Years Ago

I apologize if this is posted twice, it didn't show up on my side =w=;;;; But anyway! chapter 9 is up in a Silvertongue's tale, next Chapter will show some of anju's time in the states yes!
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7 Years Ago

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Good Morning

7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

I am a new aspiring writer who is seeking some encouraging friends like myself. I posted one of my drafts and I'm seeking some reviews.
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Free online bingo sites UK - www.topbingositesuk.co.uk

7 Years Ago

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