100 % Review : Forum

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13 Years Ago

Sweet I need something new to read
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13 Years Ago

i dontreally care about the cookies how the heck will you give me cookies if i am far away i just want to post my writing thats all and lol i get the joke
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15! :P

13 Years Ago

 I am and i wish adults would take me seriously, but at the same time not expect me to be as blind as they are to the beauty of the world, there worse than children, yet they think they are above them.
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Re: How did you begin writing poetry

13 Years Ago

I began writing poetry to release emotional stress, seeing my friend do it (and receive some sort of help) motivated me to begin. Also, I had to take a poetry class and that seemed to get me a little more into it. Although, I began writing stories before poetry. 
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Re: How did you begin writing poetry

13 Years Ago

I began writing poetry to release emotional stress, seeing my friend do it (and receive some sort of help) motivated me to begin. Also, I had to take a poetry class and that seemed to get me a little more into it. Although, I began writing stories before poetry. 
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13 Years Ago

That might be hard to do, have some one with a significant status review your writing. Do you have any friends who know anyone?
I went to a writing camp in which authors and poets came and taught us.  Maybe to get connections you could do something along those lines? Even going to poetry readings and talking/ becoming friends with the poet could help.
hope this helps!
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13 Years Ago

One per book... we had it running two per book, yet too many were not participating because they only had one submission in that book and therefore they felt the odds were against them.   We need to be fair so ONE SUBMISSION per book, that is what we were looking for. At least having one submission per member in any given book would have given us 3000 entries per book, we haven't gotten a tenth there and we really need 1000 entries per book to give our judges enough to pick three hundred winners.   Please tell everyone you know to join Writers Cafe and Poetic Infusion Society AND ENTER!!!   Hope this helps, InnerSpirit
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Reply to how do I submit?

13 Years Ago

Everyone,   To those who have been submitting their wonderful writes on the forum, please go to the front page of Poetic Infusion Society and you will see the boxes of each book contest. Please click the specific book and click submit. it will take you to a drop down menu that will give you all of your writes that may qualify as entries, choose from one of them and you have submitted your words in the contest.   Thank you have a great day!  
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13 Years Ago

...I'm with you!!!
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13 Years Ago

That's a shame. Glad you were interested. Maybe you mindset will change one day...
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13 Years Ago

I AM a proud American and single mother of a disabled child and a young adult.   I AM proud to be American in most respects... due to the nature of my desire to write and be heard, I have the desire to be paid for my writing as well, I have the initiative to be published not by phony scams and POETRYdotcom type manipulation.   I AM American, I AM proud to be a mother, I AM a writer, I AM a friend and have been on Writers Cafe' a very long time (speaking from website perspective), I AM tired of being let down and paying for my "book" created just for me with one page of my poetry that was haphazardly slid into the front cover and then never see an penny, a nickle ,a dime from the residuals of my writing.   I AM proud to be a writer with the desire to help all other writers in this world, I AM in this world to help all others, I AM a skeptic to all things other than what I can taste or touch or feel, I am REAL and I am a PERSON.   I AM the Co-Creator of this contest, and I appreciate your worries, however, I must say - to accuse, come down on, or label - with no legitimacy- is categorized nothing short of SLANDER, so please use caution, I appreciated freedom of speech which is why this will be posted as a write and in response to your forum post!   Rest-assured I am sitting at the same table with the Creator and sit at the same table as MY CREATOR; we love this Country and What it Stands for, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREEDOM of CHOICE, FREEDOM of SPEECH the word FREEDOM that exists in the fabric of our Country, presented by our Founding Fathers.    We appreciate your concerns but our contest is not too-good-to-be-true, our contest is based upon submissions. If they are NOT obtained we cannot go the distance, therefore it is up to the writers to make it happen. THIS CONTEST Belongs to ALL PARTICIPATING WRITERS, to send an undue alarm is setting up your fellow writers for failure. I do not want to see this happen, therefore, I ask that you please consider the source of your posting prior to posting. (DID SOMEONE WRONG YOU?)   Thank you again for your concern, please place your opinions aside.   Much Respect, InnnerSpirit     I did not slander you or your group, I merely pointed out that making the writers buy copies of the book puts money in your pockets, not theirs, and that there is no written guarantee of the winners receiving royalties. As you so patriotically declared, "FREEDOM of SPEACH"  is a right of all Americans and, by extrapolation, all citizens of the world ;therefore, I was well within my rights to question the nature of your contest.   Although you have made many assertions as to your existence, your motherhood, your faith and your patriotism, and called my own history into question, you have not answered ONE of my many questions (which I clearly outlined on Miquel_Sanchez thread "Question -"). Please stop avoiding the issue. The writers here deserve more than that.
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re warning

13 Years Ago

how much will each book cost?
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Thank you

13 Years Ago

For the enlightenment.
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13 Years Ago

We will talk soon about this...
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Hey all!

13 Years Ago

Hello.  I"m Brit.  I was wondering, is this Group like inactive anymore?  Because I am currently the only one submitting.
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13 Years Ago

Go to the front page of Poetic Infusion Society for more details.     I assure you, your minds and hearts will be set at ease.   We are American! We live in America... Not only America but in the heart of the States, We have and never will find ourselvses to be criminal or perform any immoral acts upon any citizens.   We do not hold your credit card information, paypal will take care of all this for you, as well as any other personal information.   We will Never take part in anything that would be considered criminal or unethical business practices, as per one solitary purchase of the book you are published in very minimal charge of no greater than $30.00.   If you would go and read ALL of the given INFORMATION, from start to finish, you will not be leary.   Thank you for your concerns, hope to address all of your concerns. 
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Please view

13 Years Ago

For all who have questions, we have the answers...     Have a great day!
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Heyyo Hope :)

13 Years Ago

I'm glad that you took the time to post :) How's life?
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13 Years Ago

Great structures that are left and are thousands of years old, they were built with precise measurement, leveled and accurate angles, dimensions of the structures marvel us and the tools we use today probably could not handle the weight of these boulders, blocks, massive stones. I am amazed on how these were built back then. They had to have some alien advance technology, or were even built by aliens, these are only my opinions.

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Does no one in this book have common sense???

13 Years Ago

I'm reading the first book right now and going through a WTF moment. You know the part where she is almost attacked by the crrepy guys in that tourist town? Well after "rescuing" her with his stupid F***in volvo, Edward is having one of his freakouts. The only problem is that he is driving. His eyes are closed and he's using one hand to plug his nose AND HE'S DRIVING AT TOP SPEED. and bella dosent have anything to say about this? she was almost raped and she is sitting there asking him if HE's ok?   Meyers make the worst writers on WC look like gods.   Oh, and she just killed sense and sensiblity by comparing that edward to hers.