100 % Review : Forum

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13 Years Ago

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reply to JJ

13 Years Ago

those are some good ones :)
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13 Years Ago

you spelled correctly incorrectly..
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i'm new

13 Years Ago

i'm new in here,and i really like this site.. i'm in booksie and wattpad too.. i'd really like to know people's take on my novel 'diner girl' and i really wanna share it with everyone coz theres a lot of effort put behind it and i'm confident that novel will bring a smile in yall's faces.. xo
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13 Years Ago

AWESOME Shane, thank you so much for the review and for posting it!! This is exactly what we need in the forum and I'm sure Jake really appreciates it.
You're great to have in the group dude.

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New writer!

13 Years Ago

I'd love for some people to check out my short stories, I need more critques! :) I love writing mysteries or stories with twists
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13 Years Ago

Seriously, I can't say how much this means...
Thank you so much, Shane and Emily, for your reviews on "Cliff". They literally brought tears to my eyes, from knowing that this story actually meant something to other people. It certainly means the world to me.... and so do friends like you guys!
And more chapters are going up right now, today, so please read on!

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Re: About Our Novels

13 Years Ago

~~Novelists Elite~~ Display: Shalynn Novelists Elite Member ID: 019
Name: Shalynn
Username: Shalynn Novels: Faggotboy
NE Status: Early Reader, Early Writer Join Date: 04-04-2011   Novel: Faggotboy (or Beat)     Novel Summary: Following the thoughts of the five members of the all-gay band Queer Expectations, the story switches viewpoints between Sasha St. James, Molly Sue Wong, Quint Levine, Maddie White, and Jake Parker. In the midst of going to gigs and trying to get their band recognition, all five members must deal with their own struggles. Sasha drives herself crazy obsessing over the band, trying to forge her way out of anonymity, as well as trying to straighten out her feelings for a girl she met at a gig.   Molly Sue tries hard to be the bad girl, drinking too much, partying too  much, and having sex with girls she barely knows. But being the tough one isn't always fun and games.    Maddie struggles with a secret crush on her best friend, Molly Sue. Meanwhile, her parents drop a life-changeing bombshell on her head when she needs it least.   Quint struggles to deal with his neurotic boyfriend, Jake, and Jake's refusal to admit their relationship to his family. He tries to be happy enough for the both of them, but he's beginning to realize just how hard it is to be someone's reason for living.    Jake insecure, closeted, and afraid, tries to please everyone, but he knows he is failing. It's only a matter of time before his parents find out about his double life and his world comes crashing down on his head.   They are kids just trying to live their dreams, but they will soon find out just how far in over their heads they are, and just how much their friendships will mean in the face of utter disaster.
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Re: About Our Novels

13 Years Ago

~~Novelists Elite~~ Display: Shalynn Novelists Elite Member ID: 019
Name: Shalynn
Username: Shalynn Novels: Faggotboy
NE Status: Early Reader, Early Writer Join Date: 04-04-2011 Novel: Faggotboy (or Beat) Novel Summary: Following the thoughts of the all-gay members of the band Queer Expectations, the story switches viewpoints between Sasha (lead singer), Molly Sue (bassist), Maddie (lead guitarist), Quint (keyboardist), and Jake (drummer).   Sasha St. James, tiny and with a volatile personality, obsesses over the band, desperate to break out of her small hometown. Meanwhile, she also has to try to straighten out her feelings for a girl she meets at a gig.   Molly Sue Wong is the band bad girl. She drinks, too much, parties too much, and has sex with girls she barely knows. But being the band bad girl isn’t always fun and games.   Maddie White struggles with her five-year crush on her best friend, Molly Sue, as well as with her feelings of being left behind by her friends. And to make things worse, her parents drop a life-changing surprise on her right when she needs it least.   Quint Levine loves his boyfriend of three years, Jake, but things aren’t as good as they may seem. As Jake hides their relationship from nearly everyone, Quint struggles to remain the strong one in what is becoming a very complicated relationship.   Jake Parker, neurotic, scared, and in the closet, is so passionate for his music, it borders on obsession. He tries hard to please everyone, but balancing bullies in private school, strict parents, and a demanding band isn’t easy, and he knows it’s only a matter of time before his entire life comes crashing down on his head.   They’re just a bunch of kids trying to follow their dreams, but they’re about to find out just how far in over their heads they are, and how much they’ll need each other when utter disaster strikes.
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13 Years Ago

I think thats a good idea to have a theme. We just have to remember to be open to how people interprate the theme that is chosen. Or perhaps it should just be a guidline?
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my lunch

13 Years Ago

Toast is better than what i had, which was nothing.... ok i can't help not eating, i usually don't feel hungry most of the time, I HAD MEAT BALLS FOR luNCH!!! XD
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13 Years Ago

If anyone's reading this,I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself.I'm Emily.
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13 Years Ago

It sounds like a great idea. You have a great dream and I'm glad I can be apart of it!
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Reply #21

13 Years Ago

I agree. I haven't been bullied on here yet, but there should be no bullying AT ALL!
This is a writing website when we read people's work and review. If you don't like the writing or the person, JUST DON'T MESSAGE OR GIVE A REALLY MEAN REVIEW!
And if it does happen, just block the person.
I hope it doesn't happen to me or anyone else . . .
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sounds good

13 Years Ago

sounds interesting. thanks for the invite. i've enered existing writes in contests before- if i think i've a poem that fits the bill- but i have written for a couple too. if i'm unsure i'll leave a poem on my page, get feed back and work on it a bit b4 i enter. i don't always have time to write so i hope you're not expecting anything too regular from us. i am looking forward to getting stuck in. just wondering- when writing rules for contests- could "new poem" be one of them? some of the contest blurb asks for definitive or favourite writes- that would have to include old stuff - i can see how the confusion arises then, when searching the many contests held here. OK,  gonna take a proper look, get on with my day- and see if i've a poem by this evening. cheers :)
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We forget who we are

13 Years Ago

Most things that we know
aren't even worth knowing,
it's all pomp, and glamour,
wicked lies mind is throwing.
The ego's all shiny,
all sparkly, and bright
as it spews forth sweet lies,
turning day into night.
The bigger the better,
no losing, just win,
we must have it all,
there's no thought about sin,
as we dig ourselves deeper,
and forget who we are,
beautiful, perfect, inimitable star.
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That's great.

13 Years Ago

I have to say it's like a blank canvas, you will learn to repeat mistakes other's have and make it right by your own standards love, good luck with it all. Oh, it's Brendan Behan, a war reviewer in Ireland.
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A little about me

13 Years Ago

Elizabeth Fiske, 9/11/97, 603-991-0911

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Italy or California :)

2. What is your goal in life? Do you think you will achieve it? My goal in life is to make my mark on the world. To show people that I'm an important person, and to follow my dreams until I die. I do believe I will achieve them, because, if I didn't, I never could :)    

3. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? I do, to some extent. Half of me thinks, "No way." While the other half of me thinks, "Hell yeah!" 

4. Do you believe in ghosts? I do with all my heart. I've experienced formidable "ghost" activity that is impossible to debunk. 

5. Do you have any phobias? Creepy dolls, bees, heights, failure, and being in any body of water alone.

6. Who is the most important person in your life? That's a hard question...I guess I would have to say that I find every person in my life important, because in the end they have given me experiences that help me learn who I am and help me grow into a better person.

7. What are you passionate about? I'm most passionate about expressing myself, acting, writing, and music. 

8. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? I respect my friend Kristina the most, because she's been through so much pain and suffering in her life. She's insecure, but amazingly talented. She opened up to me when we were barely strangers, and every day I see her with a smile on her face even though I know inside that she's suffering.

9. Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at. Understanding people and their emotions, and acting

10. Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at.  Singing and spelling! 

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13 Years Ago

sounds great!
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13 Years Ago

I am not understanding how to actually post my poem to your challenge