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The Tree and the Dragon (name still in progress)

13 Years Ago

  Five friends brake into an abandon theater and find themselves trapped between worlds in the middle of a war. All but one is carried away by giant spiders while the one is left to die. Will they find their friend and a way home in time before they become trapped as their worst fears forever?

It still has lots of touching up to do but here is what other's have said about it.

"This story reminds me alot of narnia, its the kind of fantasy novel that people fall in love with. I'm not a big fan of fantasy plots but even I am intruiged, I think you really have something here in your story."
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13 Years Ago

I think it is way over used It takes the appeal from the average person.My self I try very hard to never use elaborate dressing of vocabulary .Instead to use common words in uncommon ways
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13 Years Ago

Aww thank you guys so much, I'm blushing! (:
Thanks a ton for so many helpful reviews and such... I'm really hoping to improve my writing and this really is giving me a boost up. I just can't thank you enough!
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13 Years Ago

Thought I'd better hurry up and comment on this one because my birthday is coming up, so I wouldn't be able to ever again!!!! Yeah, I joined this group awhile ago then completely forgot about it!! So just pretend I'm new!! ^_^ I'm a bit of the HyPer (!!!!) type so I apologize about all the exclamation points!!!!! Can't help it!!! Esp. hyper today because I'll be 17 on the 11th!!!!! That means snowboarding!!! AnyWAY! Hope I can get the time to read a lot of your stuff!!! ^_^
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Hell Yea

13 Years Ago

Damn i'd love to learn from you. And maybe who knows we could write some pieces together? 

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Your Mentor

13 Years Ago

Already notified you via mail message.... But your mentor will be Taylor H.  
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writing mentor

13 Years Ago

your will be a writing mentor to  hannajade :)
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13 Years Ago

Do you want to be a Junior?

Are you into, Depressive and Angerfilled poetry?

If you're intresseted write me

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13 Years Ago

What are you into?

Depressive and angerful poetry?

If that sounds interesting then write me

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13 Years Ago

I can help you if you would like
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aanswers in genesis

13 Years Ago

     Of course I take this literally, this is what I was taught and what I believe. Of course, my grandpa thinks that in Genesis when Eve eats the fruit and shares it with Adam that it means they are having sex, and their weren't married. I disagree with this because at that time there wasn't like a marriage ceremony, and in the Lord's eyes they were man and wife, but thats a whole other discussion. I believe every part of Genesis and the Bible and I have no doubtful thoughts about my faith in God. I know that I'm still very young and haven't had many struggles with my faith yet, but I believe with my whole self and with all my heart and soul in the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm willing to defend my faith against anyone.
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13 Years Ago

The topic right now is A Deep Sigh.  It is posted under the threads.
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Anxiety attacks? Sounds like fun!

13 Years Ago

I'll have to give that a try.  Thank you.
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13 Years Ago

I agree.  The welfare and hand outs are out of control!
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13 Years Ago

Perhaps part of the problem lies in the American society's paradigm of consumerism. We invest so much value in things that we base our lifestyle and emotions around what we can purchase, instead of pursuing that which would truly make us happy (which gives rise to a completely different discussion,) and because of that we are literally buying ourselves into the ground. Thoughts?
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re; reply

13 Years Ago

make sure yu are clear, ferm,yet gentle to her feeling just like yu feel dstant frm her she might be feeling dstant from you
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Your views on "America's" Financial problems

13 Years Ago

I agree, we need to cut out the chronically unemployed and that if someone can work they should, even if it means lowering their standards. But you also have to understand, a person with masters in Architecture is less likely to be hired by Mcdonald's than a teenager. First off, a restaurateur often view the overqualified with suspicion. If this person is so qualified, why is looking for a job? Of all the people to be laid off from his previous employer why was not kept? How long will he be around? Will they waste time training him and lose him in the same week when a teenager will stay forever? Will this person expect hire pay, quicker promote, more benefits? Now I'm not making excuses, just playing devils advocate.

It's a little 2 dimensional to say that if teenagers are able to get minimum wage jobs, people should go out and have no problems finding jobs. Business are just not hiring. The job market is on the rise but it is slow and some states are doing better than others. Reports last week indicated that unemployment dropped from 9.8 to 9.4 and it is projected that it'll still be years before we get back to pre-recession numbers.  The trend right now is for business to hire temporary workers for project rather than full timers, even though their financial say they can afford more works. They are just too afraid to take a chance until the numbers get better. But the numbers won't get better until they take a chance.

Let's say a factory laid of 40 people and are able to hire 3 temporary people back now. Now there are 100 people applying for those position. Did the 97 who did not get the job not try hard enough?

Now people not reporting unemployment are usually not receiving unemployment benefits and people who've used up benefits no longer receive them, so we can count them out of the money pool. Now unless they meet certain qualifications, they probably are not getting other benefits as well.

As far as welfare goes:
Changes does need to occur. People riding the system should be taken out. I still remember the late rapper Old Dirty B*****d pulling up to the Welfare office in a limo, MTV camera's in tow, to claim his benefits check. Something needs to be done to increase enforcement and to shift the money to people who really need, people who can prove that they can't work because of disability or other uncontrollable factors. Temporary assistance needs to be temporary. And have octotuplets kids by choice is good enough to be on permanent welfare.

Since I'm not one to say something needs to be done with coming up with some ideas...
My solution (some of them anyways and very general since i've already written an novel here):

- improve education, decrease the cost of going to college and change the mindset that school is not necessary. Check the numbers on this but a dropout has a 24% chance of unemployment, high school grads 14% and college grads 4%. Parents and teachers need to be more accountable.
- cut food stamp items to healthier choice. New York I believe wants to try this. Narrowing the choice to healthier option will prevent waste on unhealthy food thus reducing cost to the program. Also with people eating healthier, cost for medical will be reduced. 8 year old will not be 200 lbs and will have energy to go to school and possibly like school enough to graduate. promoting healthy living will reduce medicare/medicaid cost. Also healthy people are less likely to be on welfare for medical (no injury/accident related) reason. This will free up money for people who got cancer or lost both legs and now can't work.
-make smart legislation (tax and otherwise) that promote business growth without letting abuses that cause this recession. This includes more tech friendly ordinance. And more funding for innovations.
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Re: Re: New contest

13 Years Ago

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13 Years Ago

A large piece of kinky story, a cup of fanfiction, just brewed horror story, well spiced novel and fresh from the farm love poems.
What's your pick?
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13 Years Ago

NPR is a very liberal "news" source, so they are not balanced.