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Re: Twitterfied...

13 Years Ago

See Sticky-Mike...this is why you're a mad genius!!!  ; )
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Hello All

13 Years Ago

My Name is Christian, and I am from Pennsylvania. I am a freshman English lit major at Elizabethtown College. My largest inspirations are Poe, Frost, Rimbaud, Neruda, and Merrill. I mostly write poetry which is inspired by the music I listen to or awesome images. Thanks for the invite to the group Aimee!
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I feel..

13 Years Ago

I feel this is a great opinion, writing- or people for that matter shouldn't be rated with numbers; or labled at all. I mean, we arn't for sale in the store
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13 Years Ago

I wish many people actually recognized WC. Especially publishers. They're several profiles of publishers, but they're as dead a black sails!
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13 Years Ago

Changing Writerscafe, one tweet at a time :D
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This thread

13 Years Ago

You guys are funny!!! :D  I use to dabble in html just a little, but I haven't used it in a few years and remember very little.  This other thing of which you speak, hmmm, not a clue.  Nope not even curious!  LOL, one thing at a time!
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13 Years Ago

Well  I can do a contest for if you guys want. But you just basically post it here on email it to me a to your friends or something to expand your writing abilities so when a challenge shows itself you're ready to push that writers block aside. Any other questions?
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A Good Response!

13 Years Ago

Thankyou Sugar, for such an open and quite detailed reply to this post! Who will be next, to share their thoughts with us?     Julian     The Christian Institute: www.christian.org.uk   Answers In Genesis: www.answersingenesis.org
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13 Years Ago

MuSe AmpouLe for president :-)
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Wicked Wind

13 Years Ago

I wrote something, but now I can't find where to submit it.  Can you help me out?  I did put it up on my writing, but am I also supposed to submit the poem somewhere? Thanks for helping out a dumbo! Gloria  
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13 Years Ago

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13 Years Ago

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Re: What Makes You Write?

13 Years Ago

I write: ALL THE TIME.

Why? I don't know. It's just something I do. I love it. Maybe it's the God complex, the idea of creating entire worlds and their entire population. Maybe it's because I love reading, and I want to create stories that make others feel as great as I do when I read. I don't know... But writing is awesome.
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13 Years Ago

I posted mine, I'm not sure if it fits the promt, but It popped into my head when I read the promt, so I don't know. We shall see:)
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To Kortni

13 Years Ago

BTW, Good bye and thanks for giving us another Pseudonym!
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13 Years Ago

I personally think that LittleDeadGirls name should be taken off. She has way to many reviews and writings. She also has used multiple pictures of herself and chats(it is linked to a website where many kids talk to eachother) and more things that would suggest she is an individual.
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13 Years Ago

Oh, I see. I just hope something can be done. But Charles seems to have forgotten about us. :(
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13 Years Ago

I got the same thing, it it really creeped me out.  I didn't do nothin bout it, but maybe i'll try and find it again.
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13 Years Ago

I use mostly baby name books and websites- the names in the credits of movies is a great idea, by the way!
I occasionally steal/alter names of people I meet while on vacation...I meet some interesting people.
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13 Years Ago

Er. shouldn't this be updated or something -.-