100 % Review : Forum

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13 Years Ago

mine is......

[email protected]
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Reply to: Emails

13 Years Ago

I'll send you my email via private message.
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A little about me

13 Years Ago

I'm Amanda Irene Elliott. I'm from many places. I've moved around my whole life, but each and every point of origin can be easily summated as "the middle of nowehere." I'm currently a junior in college, working on a degree in International Business. I aspire to become a foreign service officer when all of this is done. I speak two foreign languages: Spanish and Japanese. I've studied abroad. Twice. Three times, if you would like to count a foreign exchange trip I completed in high school. While abroad, I had my own collumn in a fairly large newspaper and wrote weekly blurbs about my travels. In this respect, I can say that I have been published. I would like to be a writer, and I still may, but only ever as a part-time hobby. I live with my boyfriend of two years. Should we ever get married, my initials would then become "A.I.D.S." (He has two last names: Dixon-Shropshire). At one point, I considered making this my pen-name, because I currently don't have one, but was quickly reminded of the error of my ways. I have no pets, two sisters, four parents, and one completed first draft of a manuscript. I currently own 87 books. At one point, my collection was as large as 600, but I had to downsize when I moved. I wept bitterly. Of this 87, 18 are Japanese language books, 7 are memoirs on writing and publication, 6 are Spanish books, 8 are text books for the classes I'm taking now, 8 were written by Philippa Gregory, and the rest are just assorted novels. I'm allergic to milk, shrimp, cats, pollen, dust, mold, etc. I've been on writerscafe for about a month and am thoroughly addicted.
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Thank you!!

13 Years Ago

Thanks for the pointers! ...still finding my way, but happy to be here...nice to meet you! :-)  
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13 Years Ago

tell me about your poetry group that i joined
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13 Years Ago

i tend to write about what is going on in my life, what i have gone threw, stuff like that. i can make a better write with more emotion that way, like seven reasons why was perfect.
writing false stories is cool too, i tend to like romance, but i also enjoyed the hungry dog one.. i guess i am good at making things up too, so really i'm good at mostly anything, but not edward kind of things, and scripts.
i also have a problem with starting stories, which is why this book im trying to write isn't getting started yet :(
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13 Years Ago

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I actually love it...

13 Years Ago

This site is actually a lot of fun and there is some really great stuff to be found  on the site. It takes a bit of work to figure out where you are going, but once you get the hang of it, you have a ton of information at your fingertips that allow you to find so many inspiring bits of information!

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13 Years Ago

ok here it is :D www.xfillingthev0idx.blogspot.com
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My poem entry

13 Years Ago

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Uh, hello!

13 Years Ago

This is me introducing myself.   My name is Keevan Goliath (Keevan for short!) and I have tried to write several FMA fanfics, but only one of them succeeded, and I'm working on the sequel to that one currently. It stars a young assassin/alchemist named Lucy! XD   I have not been to a con before, i have no intention of becoming a Risimbool Ranger--all because my parents are strongly against anime--and....that's it for me! I can't wait for some contests and stuff to open in this group! It's gonna be fun, I bet! :D
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13 Years Ago

just delete these above... I give up
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13 Years Ago

This group was formed to help explore eachothers stangths in writing also find new styles and help out other members with any questions they have about their writings.
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13 Years Ago

I think that would be an awesome idea! I would definitely visit it a lot
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13 Years Ago

What? Lol
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All good

13 Years Ago

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Who are the eccentric Outcasts?

13 Years Ago

An outcast is a perspective or interpretation.  In a sense, the term we attach to a person when we feel as though they are foreign.  Honestly, if we define others by their different qualities, then we are all outcasts, singular outcast because we are not identical in every form.  On a personal observation, I am considered an eccentric outcast as a response to my mental process in general.  Primarily, we live an illusion that man is an island.

~Ayra Luccan
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13 Years Ago

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13 Years Ago

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13 Years Ago

yes i think it will be good for our creations...:)