100 % Review : Forum

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thank u

14 Years Ago

thank u so much for posting that interview.Anne rice is my favorite writer of all time. her descriptive powers are unmatched. I think i've read almost all her books. thanx again.cheers
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14 Years Ago

Well. I'm Geneva Willis, otherwise known as Shaibelle, currently 19 and going on 20.
My favorite writing genres are fantasy and sci-fi.
I hail from Michigan- US Midwest (though it is neither mid, nor west)- with my two, massive, beagle-australian shepherd puppies.
Obviously, I enjoy writing. Reading, drawing/painting, and video game playing also fall into the top category of things I like to do.
(I'm vertically challenged, and pear-shaped too, but that's another story)

So hi!
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Structural Defect

14 Years Ago

This is only the link for chapter 1, but you can get to all the rest from here.


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RE: Ideas

14 Years Ago

I think it would be great if we had an option to "freeze" our read request intake. I, like many others, recieve at least a dozen of read requests a day and with working 45 hour weeks and trying to maintain somewhat of a social life, it is difficult to stay caught up. So, I think if we were able to pause the RR intake just until we managed to get through the current list and then be able to resume accepting once caught up, then it would make things alot easier. As it is set up right now, if you turn off your RR's then it also illiminates all the ones that have been sent to you which is why, although I have near 400 RR's and growing, I wont turn it off. I want to be able to review them but temporarily "freeze" others from being set to the ever growing sack until I'm ready.
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Jack-o-Lantern by Jen Burlock

14 Years Ago

Please No CSS I hope this is where we post our stories, because I couldn't find anywhere else!

Oh what a lovely time of the year, when the leaves turn vibrant colors. Time to get my game face on...... ' pick me, pick me' I think while they bring their kids out to our fields. They walk around looking and thumping to choose the right size, shape, and look of us pumpkins. A bright orange round shape is the best choice!
I have grown so fast and long, my body is misshapen. They seem to pass me by every time they visit the great pumpkin patch. Saying I'm just to old, and no good for anything- but I could be a great and scary Jack-o-lantern. Come on guys just give me the chance.
My, oh my I can't believe it, they always seem to pass me by. What is wrong with me? Aren't I scary enough? Give me the right cuts, I'm sure I can make people jump! But do they choose me – nah! They want the perfect pumpkin for the holiday season. They seem to think, I don't know what they're doing.
It just seems that ever since I have been in this patch things have not gone well. First I was to small, so they ignored me........... then I was the wrong shape, or not big enough yet.
Don't they realize I can be a great Jack-o-lantern! Just give this old pumpkin a chance. Oh here comes someone........ he pauses, then thumps my body, shakes his head – no, then moves on. Passed by once again, because of my weird shape.
Guess nobody wants an old fool like me. Yet I am the last pumpkin to be picked, if at all. Life can be so cruel, even to a pumpkin. I swear if I am not picked this year I'll shrivel up and die. That's it, no more of this waiting game. Ah I am going to die this year........ I swear it this time!
Goodbye cruel world!
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14 Years Ago

I think its up to the child
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Not so easy

14 Years Ago

There is one problem with that.  Charlie would charge you a fortune for it.  He's a professional web designer and this is his showcase.  He doesn't want to change it either, and he hosts it on a computer in his bedroom, not on some separate site.  He considers it mature.

You would be better off starting a new one from scratch.  Besides there are over 20,000 members, probably more like 60,000, but with most of them inactive.  The database is probably huge and could stand to be cleaned out. Charlie doesn't delete anything when he deactivates it: notice the reinstated forum with a ton of posts on it from 3 years ago.
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14 Years Ago

  Looking to start a new contest, anyone with idea's to what it should be about and guidelines for entry please do let me know.  Keep up the good work.
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14 Years Ago

I admittedly only joined this group to reply to these posts.  The description of the group is sickening to me, because every single "problem" listed has to do with a man or relationship.  We have other things to worry about, girls.

Women have not been "liberated" by any means.  In the 1920s, we had more professional women than we had in the '80s.  How sad is that?  There's always going to be bigotry, and there's always going to be oppression, but you can't lessen it if you don't see it - and it's definitely there. 

I am a very fervent feminist, primarily because if I ever do have children, I don't want my children growing up with the kind of awful, relentless propaganda - (airbrushed models, don't be a w***e, you're too fat, dumb yourself down, men should be stronger, men should be taller, men should be older, go back to the kitchen, etc) - that is still very alive and well in this world.  Yes, we have the right to vote.  Sure, there have been laws enacted to enforce our rights as human beings, but there are also laws against murder, and you don't see that ending.

Feminism is NOT man-hating.  This is a frustrating misconception.  Most feminists don't hate men.  Most feminists are looking for equality, not a scapegoat for some kind of anger or narcissism.  Feminism is not about women being stronger or better.  It's about - I think the OP said it - celebrating our gender, and it's also about vying for equality in this misogynistic world.

And to the OP, feminists can be in relationships, yes.  And feminists can have children and get married, yeah.  But a feminist housewife is doing nothing for feminism, unless she's actively helping the cause.
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Oh dear...

14 Years Ago

Impossible to choose. I really love 1984 because of the "destruction of words" idea (I'm a linguistics major, so it's of particular interest to me), but then I also love The Handmaid's Tale fiercely.
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14 Years Ago

I try to be active, fearless leader. And congrats VP. ^_^

I don't know of any public contests to add to the list for people to enter, so I'm not much help there.

I shall try to be more active in the group. *tips hat*
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Confusing Forum

14 Years Ago

Is it just me, or is the forum really confusing?
I can't figure it out for the life of me.
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House of Night

13 Years Ago

 I know right! I love Stark! In the first book i loved Eric but then he turned into such a jerk!! Stark hit my heart though,I love him very much! Team Stark all the way! I cant believe Stevie! She isnt right! She has to start telling her friends the truth!
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13 Years Ago

Wow your stories seem interesting! Ill make sure to read them later! Right now I'm working on some different books.I just want to see which one captures my interest and where they are going you know?
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re: featured writer

13 Years Ago

Hi...why don't you just randomly feature a different writer every week?  Let's be fair to everyone.
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13 Years Ago

I know what you mean ! I love Adrian so much! More then Dimitri but I think hes the one who is going to die ;( I would prefer if Lissa died though,i like her character but she acted like such a bad friend to Rose in Spirt Bound!
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Hey peeps!

13 Years Ago

That`s great :D

How is the rest of the gang doing?
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re: give or delete

13 Years Ago

I am interested in being active in this group, provided I can come to more of an understanding of what exactly you want to fix about WC...I couldn't really tell when I got the invite.  If I can have a bit more info, I'll gladly give my opinion on what you should do with the group.  Thanks, Adina
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new idea

13 Years Ago

Yes I like this, but a real chat could prove to be difficult to realise regarding the very different time zones many writers are living in. Maybe something like a thread where anyone can talk with the featured writer?!
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new idea

13 Years Ago

cool idea, go on with it