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14 Years Ago

Well, My name is Cassiopia. You can call me Cassiopia, Cassi, or Lee. Whichever you prefer, and I am always finding myself being plagued with Writers Block. I always start things, especially stories, and books,  but I can never finish them because I get jumbled while I'm writing and I want to go fifty different directions, or I just can't figure how I want to continue. My poetry, on the other hand, I always finish. I love to write poetry, but it's my stories and what-not that I would like to get better at. 

I just need to figure out a way to: 
1. Stop stopping in the middle of my works.
2. Work on not going in more than one direction and choosing one direct path while writing.
3. Coming up with new ideas for some new stories, or books. 

Any suggestions would be amazing. (:
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Meeeeee ~_~

14 Years Ago

1. I love writing (duh i do it all day)
2. I live for music
3. I don't believe in love (only family and friends)
4. My dad's an alcoholic
5. No matter how much I love writing it's not what I want to do
6. I used to suck at reading and writing now it's my best subject
7. Not a people person
8. My mom thinks I'm suicidal but I'm not
9. I'm halve emo
10. Don't look back...Unless you plan on going that way

Some about me and more. A fav saying and personal info to get you started...

Live life. Love. Be free with the wind. Is all I can say!
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14 Years Ago

I'm glad you're jumping right in and using the group. I think I will use this as the official introductions thread. Thanks! And thank you for sharing with us.   My lovely boyfriend still is not off the basics yet, but he's waiting for his broken knuckle to heal. I am so nervous about him going. I know he will be ok (he always is, and he's been through some rough stuff), but I worry about how I will deal with it. After all, we've been dating for over two months (we've known each other for over a year) and we've spent nearly every day together in that time.   One thing I can say: I can't wait to see him in uniform. Can we say HOT?! haha. Just throwing that out there.   Everyone else feel free to jump in. Tell us about your soldier (if you please) and how you're dealing with (or how you have dealt with [or WILL deal with!]) his/her departure. And feel free to link us to some of your war/long-distance love/soldier poems or stories.
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My fav. anime

14 Years Ago

mines etheir death note or naruto! XD
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Fall's Reviews

14 Years Ago

This is my first post of this so there is nothing to compare it to sorry....

Reviews [received]                 Reviews [given]
532 Reviews                                     433 Reviews

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14 Years Ago

hi anime rox, there all cool ;)
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14 Years Ago

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who I am

14 Years Ago

  1. My name is; Mauricio Montoya 2. I do a lot of travailing 3 Wherever I lay my hat is my home. 4.My favorite poet is Edgar Allen Poe 5. I like to draw( I have a few of my works on display) 6. From time to time I'll cook, my favorite is ribs 7. I read only non fiction books 8. love to go to the movies. 9 Cats are my best friend. 10.And last but not least, write poetry
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Pick a Book and write about a character in the first person point of view.

14 Years Ago

This exercise looks like fun.  I'll try it!
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I love to read

14 Years Ago

since i love to read i have a big imagination and i just see a little screen playing and on that screen is what i write about so i turn it into words
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favorite sci-fi book series:

14 Years Ago

That would be Cheryl Brookes CAT STAR CHRONICLES. Very funny, heart-warming, and steamy! Its about a species of alien that are like cats. The men of this species were so sexy and irresistable that another group of aliens got together and anialated their entire planet. The titles are: SLAVE, WARRIOR, ROGUE, OUTCAST, FUGITIVE, and HERO (found on amazon.com).
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About me

14 Years Ago

My name, Joshua Caleb Chilson.  Currently I am working on having my book available by late November, it's called "My Voice" and everything inside is written from emotional experiences through life.  I don't remember much of my childhood, only the bad though for my future... I will continue to write and hopefully find success in it, not only for myself but others as well.  Most of all, I wish to be a father someday which I see as the greatest walk you can take in life.
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Re:New submitions

14 Years Ago

May percipients of the first edition be in the second addition? Or is it better to mix different voices, if you will.
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14 Years Ago

Lmao weirdo
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. ...

14 Years Ago

.     i am guilty of some of the crimes listed above ... though not intentionally ... and i think not in a cheesy sense either ... but am hoping i can stay by not inflicting any of those words on the members of the group ... 
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About me

14 Years Ago

Hi there, I'm sixteen and from Pakistan. I'm a muslim and hate it when people criticize my religion. i'm new here but have been writing for quite some while now. writing is a passion for me but i would never want to take it up as a profession because then it would become a responsibility. instead i have a life's dream of becoming an oncologist.
i have made many attempts at writing a novel but never have the patience of finishing one. 
i've got two brothers, one older and one younger and don't have a single memory in which i'm not fighting with them but they still mean alot to me.
i'm an army brat and have lived in fourteen cities and two countries.
i'm a jane austen addict and hopeless without an ipod. 
i think that about sums me up.(=
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my contest

14 Years Ago

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14 Years Ago

 keanspark don't ever say your not interesting, everyone is interesting in their own right. You write that is one thing that makes you interesting as does your work. and also the world you live in is interesting to someone who does not live there.
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wrtiers life being made to movies

14 Years Ago

I just saw a movie trailer about the famous Beat Howling poet Allen Ginsberg being played by James Franco.
I hope it's good. I am not sure who is directing it, but guess just have to see.   As for the junkie your referring to in the Basketball Diaries, it's rock star and poet Jim Carroll. He is one of my biggest influences.  If you consider Jim Morrison a poet more than a rock star, then there is the movie (The Doors) which shows him reading his poetry on a roof top, claiming he is possessed by shaman American Indian spirits, then from there it's just goes downward  rock star drunken drug cliche spiral...typical Oliver stone tragedies   
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yea i m new n i need

14 Years Ago
