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14 Years Ago

I've noticed that too and I think that's kinda not possible and stuff...maybe I'll try that.
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What's organization?

14 Years Ago

I'm more of a 'shoot now, ask questions later' kind of girl when it comes to writing. That type of mentality might be bad in other instances but I find it helps with writing. You get an idea and you develop it as it comes along and then you go back and review, fix plot holes and all that jazz. 

Though...that may be for my short stories. For my longer ones I tend to map it out, like a story board. I do little bios for the characters get their images and their personalities stuck so far into my head that I am unable to go without them. [grins] It's quite nice to have your mini entourage of characters in your head. Or maybe I'm just crazy.  
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Group Book Ideas (Reply to Lizzard(;

14 Years Ago

Okayy. So, I haven't had a lot of time to think, but here are some of my thoughts: 1) Thank you soooo much for letting me help you with this!(:
Book title: I have no idea :/
Book idea: I like your idea Lizzy
Character Names: Kaden, Leigh, Bethany. And that's all i can think of as of now(:
Character creature: Umm....I don't know yet

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Where to start?

14 Years Ago

My advice...just start freewriting it....just spew it out onto paper. This will help you wrap your mind around the story(s). Now after you’ve done that, your story begins where the action starts, cut everything before that incident. Weave the content that is ‘truly’ relevant (meaning it moves the plot forward) into the prose from that point forward. If you HAVE to use limited flashbacks if the content just isn’t sequential to your story. 

Now if you’re memoir is more of a personal essay collection; then treat each chapter as a stand-alone short story with the same rules, but they don’t necessarily need to follow together, but would be better if all the stories supported a theme.  

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How to begin?

14 Years Ago

I could swear I posted this already this a.m. But it is now gone, so here it is again: 

My advice...just start freewriting it....just spew it out onto paper. This will help you wrap your mind around the topic. Now after you’ve done that, your story begins where the action starts. 

Grif, cut everything before that incident. Weave that content that is ‘truly’ relevant (meaning it moves the plot forward) into the prose from that point forward. 

Now if you’re memoir is more of a personal essay collection; then treat each chapter as a stand-alone short story with the same rules, but they don’t necessarily need to follow together, but would be better if all the stories supported a theme. Where to start ?story(s)the. If you HAVE to use limited flashbacks if the content just isn’t sequential to your story
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14 Years Ago

this ws fantastic i though it sounded like it was someone youy know if so who you can msg me or sayit on the group page   The guy
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Image 2

14 Years Ago

Actually, the first three entries were from girls...........!!
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From the Heart

14 Years Ago

This is very beautiful for some reason I just love it a lot.
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Here ya go ~_~

14 Years Ago

Maybe you should listen to

Song: Lucky Me
Artist: Chris Brown

On youtube I got a few good idea's by listening to this song.
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14 Years Ago

Sorry, I'm pretty new at this site and I'm not very internet savy, that's why I asked.  I will definitely go and check it out.
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14 Years Ago

Shaded   Shaded, Jaded, From the saddness, From the coldness of the world.   Hurtful, Dreadful, Hurt from those stupid liars, I call friends, they're 'pose to stop the dreading.   Painted, Picture Perfect, All the loners walking the street are the best friends, You'll ever meet.   Skipping, Saddly, skipping by the hobo's that are lonely and hungry, Saddly No ONE will help them give'em a second chance.   The thing is if you never got a second chance would you be where you are today?, Even the slightest care of a greet helps a simple 'hey'.
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14 Years Ago

edward because he is beautifull , sexy , gorgeous and i love him 

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Prayers for Kit-Kat

14 Years Ago

I am sending up some prayers right now!
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Half Past Midnight.

14 Years Ago

Haha uhm, I'm not sure if you're supposed to submit writings this way, this is my first time posting.   I'm as happy as I could ever be as we sway back and fourth, dancing to the rythm of the music as we move our feet, I rest my head upon your shoulder, relaxed and at ease, I close my eyes, what more could I ask for? A blush and smile take over my face, with you pulling me closer, the music seems fainter and we slow down our pace, My joy quickly fades as the music stops and I come to a halt, I open my eyes only to find out you're gone, the ballroom's empty and I'm alone, I manage to catch a quick glance at the time, my heart begins to bleed and tears dwell as the clock strikes twelve, This pain in my chest is unbearable and I fall to my knees, my breaths are staggering and I'm unable, I failed to see the truth and I've lived throught this fairytale, I can't take this anymore, the blood is pouring all over the ballroom floor and I begin to feel weaker and weaker, I fall to my side feeling empty without you, it's a half past Midnight, my friends are back to mice, my dress back to rags and everythings gone black, As I lay in the pool of my own blood and the ringing in my ears begin to turn into a blare, I wait for True Love's Kiss to wake me from this nightmare.
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Hello and Welcome

14 Years Ago

Hello there. I'm a guy. 20 years old. There is nothing in the world I like to do more than play sports. Its something that I have been doing since I was a kid and its stuck with me. I go to Texas A & M University in College Station. I use writing on this website as a way to express how I feel since I'd never do it in real life. So this is like an annonymous thing which makes it a lot easier to say how I really feel. Thats really about it.   I hope you get well soon kit kat.
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14 Years Ago

No. I don't think that's bad at all ... I didn't like fan fiction much before either. But I enjoy some of it. Not all pieces are my favorites, but I do give it a chance.

I don't think it matters whether or not you like the fan fic because it's only about getting to write what you want using someone else's life and words, you know?
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14 Years Ago

Aw, I adore that song! Goosebumps every time... *sigh*! I usually get some of my inspiration from songs like Hyper Music and Space Dementia. I like Matt best when he's really pelting out some angry and slightly scary lyrics. God, he writes the best music i've ever heard. Obviously i appreciate over bands, but muse is my favourite. Alway will be. :)
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Onyx Within

14 Years Ago

She's found where it's
hardest to look,
deep within the
shadows of herself.

Her eyes have faded
loosing that lust of life.

She's long forgotten
how to cry,
instead simply carrying
her pain until
all that's left of her
heart is a single
cold orb of blackest

N. Strong
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70s-80s rock

14 Years Ago

ok, I was seeing yet another of Vh1s all time rock anthems, and I downloaded most of the good ones - so if you're into such cheezy classics as "Rock you like a hurricane" ,"Sunshine of you love" and "Blitzkrieg Bop"...check out my recent playlist!:)
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Hey :)

14 Years Ago

Name: Desiree
Age: 19
Location: Indiana, U.S.
How long have you been writing? Since I was 11
Preferred style: Poetry
Writing Idol: Anne Rice
Best inspiration: My crazy life