100 % Review : Forum

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I promise I will put mine up later

13 Years Ago

I would put it up now but I am getting ready for school. So I will put up my love story later when I get home or if I can get on the computer at school I will put it up then.
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13 Years Ago

So...... How do you guys have fun? What ways do you use to escape reality to be who you are and fun at the same time? For me, I like to go to either public or school (cuz I am still in school) dances and invite my friends. Those are some of the best times i have ever had. But I also like to do A LOT of outdoor activities with my Boy Scout troop and my Venture Crew (Boy Scouts on steroids.)
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13 Years Ago

I agree, these sparkle Twilight beings cold never stand up to the likes of Rices creation, Lestat would have a field day!
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13 Years Ago

I like my pretty font and my creative layout on the page LOL...good info...noticed it was a UK feed, think there's any difference here in the states? I
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Re: About Our Novelists

13 Years Ago

~~Novelists Elite~~
Display: daydreamer54
Novelists Elite Member ID: 025
Division: III
Division Leader: Ryan
Name: ----
Username: johncenagirl54
Novels: ----
NE Status: New Member
Join Date: 04-19-2011
A. I am a novelist. I have three works in progress a novel called Teen Exile which i hope to finish by the end of the month and I plan on making a sequel to this book i wrote called Death By the Lotus Flower. i'm also working on a book with a Performing Arts school setting. B. I have completed 4 novels so far. Two of them weren't exactly my best work. :/  D. I am also a poet E. I do love to read! mostly, fiction books, but they have to catch my intrest in order for me to read them. 2. I have one parentand am the only chold. my family is crazy, but in a good way and loving.  3. i'll let you know, i just started here. 4. Ryan, Nenzetta,Ecnelis, and Cookie-Eater 5. I like how organized this group is and how it has things to keep the members active. 6. PINK! 7. Not giving that info. 8. Yes  9. Oct. 20th 10. i have found my love for writing since i was in the 1st grade. ^^ 11. I joined WC Jan 3rd 2010 12. I'm a teenager, that's all you need to know. :P 13. Once if your'e counting diffrent states. from diffreent houses, i guess 4. 14. I joined because I am a novelist, I like to read and write books and i'm hoping I can get help from the group to become a better novel writer. 15.TRUE! 16. yes and No 17.False 18. ??? 19. Ecnelis 20. Singing,listening to music, watching tv, and hanging with friends. 21. music is my muse and tv. 22. I write randome things until something comes to mind. or I consult a friend for advice. 23. I'm not willing to tell you anything else. THE END! :P
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I'll read it

13 Years Ago

I am not a professional but I'll take a look at it

Frank D
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13 Years Ago

Writer's Cafe isn't like other social sites where you sit back and let the humor, convo or content come to you. You have to be active giving reviews, posting new writings and participating in the community. :) Hope this helps.
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RE. About Our Novels

13 Years Ago

~~Novelists Elite~~
Display: daydreamer54
Novelists Elite Member ID: 025
Division: III
Division Leader: Ryan
Name: ----
Username: johncenagirl54
Novels: Teen Exile
NE Status: Early Reader, Early Writer
Join Date: 04-19-2011
Novel title: Teen Exile
Summary:   It's all her fault. Laila can't forgive herself for the incident that happened three year ago. After spending time in a  youth detention center, she's sent to spend time with her aunt in North Carolina. All she wants to do is forget about her past, but her guiltiness and temptation gives way to her slipping back into her old ways. Can a friend help her move on with her life? Would she accept his help or is it possible to be so far down, you can't get out?
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I'll take a look

13 Years Ago

I'll take a look, I'm new to this site, but I'm always looking for something different to read.
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High School Hell and the danger of teenage sorrow

13 Years Ago

           He walked languidly through the hall, dreading his approach to the lunch room.

His Nirvana shirt was torn in several places and his dark jeans were stained with numerous

different colors. Dirty Boy, they use to call him, not today, he thought as he passed

the white washed walls into the baby blue cafeteria. The putrid smell of foul fish

sticks clung about the air as though it were a mist. Choking back the nausea, he

stepped into the lunch line. At least 20, richly dressed, model wannabees stood

between him and his Peanut Butter and Jelly. Sighing, as the mix of perfumes and

hot food, washed passed him, he glanced about. No one looked up, their blurred

faces passed his thoughts but did not enter. No friendly smile awaited him today,

nor would it ever again. Even if they didn't know her, they would know of her,

and at least he would eat his lunch in peace. There were new posters every where

with famous actors and T.V. stars telling them to drink milk,

eat right and exercise. Yeah right, he thought, glaring at Hilary Duff's cocky milkly grin.

Waiting as the line slowly slipped in and out of the kitchen and then register area,

he began to wonder if he'd brought his lunch money. Digging into his pockets,

 he suddenly froze as a mysterious ooze entrapped his hand.
THOSE JERKS!!!! Not daring to pull his hand free and show

the entire lunch room what Dawson Henry and his jock heads thought was a funny prank,

he turned to leave. Just then Dawson and his flunkies enter through another door.

He knew because once he was spotted they broke out into hysterics. JERKS!!!

He rushed to the bathroom down the white, near empty hall bypassing the distracted teacher.

Hand made poster's, written on red and orange construction paper read;

"PROM NEXT WEEK!! Tickets will be sold in Mrs. Frank's Class, Room 343.

Hurry! Don't miss out on this once and a lifetime event!"

He groaned as he saw this, and quickly scurried faster, trying to out run his memory of

Mrs. Frank's 3rd period English class. The only class where he looked

 forwarded to group assignments, though not anymore. Taking a

sharp turn around hall E, he spotted his salvation only a few doors away, finally.

The bathroom, though foul, was thankfully empty. The yellow tiles

held secrets to which no one need know; random stains of which dotted

their shiny outer coat like polka dots on a nice sun dress. Bunches

of dirty paper towels lay casually next to the large plastic green trash can,

as though they belonged. With his clean hand he turned the metallic faucet on and

as the fixture shot steaming hot water, he glared into the mirror. His face began to turn

deep red and soon he was clenching his braced teeth.The over powering scent of urine was

instantly warmed and quickly he turned on the cold water till the smell

lessened. His hand was covered, he could see as he pulled the sticky green slime from

his now ruined pants pocket. It clung with such voracity the water would not even

remove the most of it. Grumbling as the water splashed wet warmth onto his face,

he thought again of Jessica. He would never again see her shinning brown eyes

as they laughed behind those ridiculously large glasses. Though everyone called

her fat Erkle, he saw something more, something beautiful. I should have told her so.

He knew, had he spoke up, she may still be around; she might not have had to. Crap!

The water had splashed his pants till they looked as though he had wet himself.

Yanking the scratchy brown paper towels from the black plastic holder, he sighed once more.

Scrubbing the water mark did nothing, and soon he gave up. Rubbing at the ooze with

the damp towel instead. After a few good rubs it finally began to

 come off. I should have told her, he reminded himself; over and over since

 the news sunk in. Yanking free a pea green stall door, he closed it

just in time to watch it blur as the tears broke free from his now shaking head.

(PS: I was unsure whether or not inner monologue was against the rules. :/ Either
way this is for fun, so I hope you like it!)
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Just Write

13 Years Ago

You write and write until you can't anymore.  You prove yourself with the words you produce and show the world you are a writer.  That you aren't afraid to try something new.  That you aren't afraid to show who you are.  
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13 Years Ago

I'm new to this, so I don't really know how the site work...but write, review, and post? Gain popularity. Help one another, give feedback.
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13 Years Ago

ummm, what if we all wrote a poem that we all put together????
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13 Years Ago

You cannot compare King to Rice, Anne Rice is a exclusionary in all her writing she writes for her legions of fans and created pieces of Art, King merely writes for the communality of it, wheres the next big movie franchise s the only thing on that man's mind!!
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1st Person Narrator Descriptions

13 Years Ago

Yes - can't have ALL of your 1st Person narrators looking in mirrors and thinking about how they look. ;) If you want to get across female perspective of the narrator without resorting to said clunky techniques, you could try a quick internal thought when she enters the bar (I haven't re-read the new version yet, but I think I remember this is where she met, you know who) that she is sick of the attention her (insert attribute - eyes, breasts, long legs, something "feminine") always drew from the onlookers (or failed to draw, maybe).  If you can insert just one sort of thing like this that would be more likely a female body part or issue, one line could give all the hint you need.

Although for the record, I always thought she was a she!
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13 Years Ago

yeah, well i dont know about the name alice, cuz i already used it for anonther book i wrote, but the reason theres no other humans is cuz the world she travels to has no humans, and that really ties in with the plot later on. and oh yes, there shall be plenty of twists. like a bag of pretzels! X3
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No Subject

13 Years Ago

i need more time
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13 Years Ago

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RE: hi

13 Years Ago

Sooo...there are NOT any cookies?
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13 Years Ago

I like the idea of having writing challenges, it allows us to go in a direction that we might not have chosen to go into on our own.  Thanks, Lori for doing this.