100 % Review : Forum

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14 Years Ago

Why am I in love.....   Do I love you?......   Am I in love?......   In a dark dark house.....   K.i.s.s.i.n.g....   Romeo & Juliet......   The goth girl.....   This is my scare book.....          
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Hello Scarlet pulse!

14 Years Ago

Of course! SOUNDS GREAT!
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14 Years Ago

  I made this group to inhance creative potenial...you  take a title  I made or create own and write a paragraph "3 at most....Pass the story around by copy and paste  put all the  peoples and your writings together .soon ..we'll decide when to end the story when it comes to  the climax.   (Im not the best at editing at all,so excuse my  bad editing" dosn'e have to be fully great editing."cuz I suck at it" Im also  not good at explaining details when it comes to telling people how to do stuff..   :(   have fun!     Any questions? drop a message  
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two best write s

14 Years Ago

My Sons Keeper


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14 Years Ago

 Sometimes art is not supposed to be understood, only interpradid, people usually only see what they want to, and its not allway's what they exspected;)
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14 Years Ago

For me, authors, characters etc aren't really the things that inspire me to write. Although, I'm sure they could. I have thought about writing about a show or a situation in a show but haven't gotten around to it yet. I write from my own experiences or about someone else' experiences, etc. I write from pictures and what I see too.
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14 Years Ago

Great entry Lonestar! Awesome work! xx
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14 Years Ago

Thank you :)...i'm nickle by the way
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14 Years Ago

hahahahaha. i agree with all of that. :D
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Well heck

14 Years Ago

Is there anybody OUT there?

Shelia's idea is good ... let's do it..

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A line ... add something?

14 Years Ago

Sometimes I feel like an alien in a strange land  I'm different so it seems to me..
No pettiness  bothers me we are all brothers and sisters of the Universe
Don't you see?
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14 Years Ago

yes, i would love to have a buffy marathon and just watch all the seasons at once... i've only seen the first two seasons on hulu (they should post the rest, those evil b******s!), but i did like them a lot -- i especially liked spike and drusilla :D ... but angel will now always be booth on 'bones' for me lol...
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14 Years Ago

Can ya review my stuff please?? I'm startin to go crazy not knowin how they are x.x
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Who isnpyred you to write

14 Years Ago

I don't think anyone did ... I am thinking.....oh, I remember, I had always wrote  though not often then  I met this guy and he inspired me by his kisses..true.

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A line ... add something?

14 Years Ago

I am a Poetess of Multiplicity Grabbing arcs of electricity! I write verses of sensual love, And of Celestial Heaven above! I try to think in different ways So your attention wil not sway!! Topics of poetry are so diverse; Millions of thoughts in the universe! Yep, that's a description of me; Sheila, A Poetess of Multiplicty!   ~Shelia Kline

I am a Poet of all trades...At times my poetry fades so the colors are blurred. I write for those who don't have a voice. The homeless with no homes or a place to call their own. The children of abuse who can't speak out.
The animals and our Earth too.. just between me and you ...social injustice is a crime!~Chloe
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14 Years Ago

I mean business and i ain't lyin about that!
There is a time for fun and a time for business so i am getting down to business!

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Get well!

14 Years Ago

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To Our Friend

14 Years Ago

I don't know her, but my heart is with her.  Cancer has touched my life with loss.  I have friends that have battled with it and I may not her personally, but I know what she is going through.  I will pray and to the heavens for her recovery.  I have one message for her " You are stronger than you know."  All the love in the world!   Chaos~~
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Ge well soon

14 Years Ago

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14 Years Ago

Yes, this is an online publication.  We accept mostly anything that's good poetry, but we reject poems that are objectionable in language and content.  Just follow the rules given and submit before the June deadline to me at [email protected]