{poetry.mad.libs} : Forum : {prompt #5}

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{prompt #5}

1 Year Ago

yes. it is official. friday is the new wednesday :) this one is going to be a tiny one today but add more lines if your creative spirit inspires you too to do so {making it you very own}

feel free to copy. edit. rewrite. or fill in the blank. to create something magical. unique. one of a kind.

__________ me with the _______. i will __________.

don't _________ me with your _________. shattering my _________.


- the prompt above was created by Lav  -

enjoy <3 
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Re: {prompt #5}

1 Year Ago

here was my take on today's prompt. {the audacity}

hurt me with the truth. 
i will heal.
don't ruin me with your lies. 
shattering my zeal.