******RP CURVE : Forum : Convention: Alone at the table

Convention: Alone at the table

16 Years Ago

Here I was sitting at my booksigning table for my newest, bestselling thriller: Bloodmoon on the River. Even though they kept the hotel lobby at near arctic temperature, the sheer number of people moving about the floor made me uncomfortably warm in my black turtleneck and grey sport coat. My khaki's were a shade that did not go well with my coat, but I really didn't care.

I had gone off my medication to help break my writer's block, but instead of entering a manic writing phase, I was stuck in the duldrums where I didn't give a crap about anything. I rubbed my hand through my greasy black hair in hopes of smoothing it back in place. No such luck. I probably make it look more unkempt that before.

Gods, I wish I hadn't gone off my medication. There was a dark cloud hanging over me that I just couldn't shake. I was plunging deeper into depression as I waited for someone to come over to my table and talk to me, sign a book, or something. These conferences were so overblown anyway. Full of jaded authors who needed a drink and intense wanna-bes trying to make their first sale. I don't even know why I bothered to come. Yes, I do. I had been working months on my next book's first chapter and hadn't gotten anywhere. I forced myself to come in hopes of cracking the block.

Things had gone wrong from the start. The ladies at the name badge table had misprinted my full name. I had ending up growling at them before they would make me one that read "D. Ross Cottrell." I hadn't gone by my first name since that stupid Omen book was written. Nobody could get my name right because of it.

 The ladies had refused a name tag for my pet iguana "Louey". He didn't mind though. He was as drowsy as I was depressed. He just sat stretched out on my should soaking up the warmth of my body heat. Right now, it felt like he was my only friend. I had brought him along today simply because I take him everywhere. He was in my picture on the back cover of my book. He usually brought me some attention, but it like the dark cloud that was hanging over me was keeping most people away. S**t.

I sat there immobile as I watched two women start a fight in a far corner. Security came to deal with them, but another fight broke out before they could escort the first perps out. Maybe, the conference wouldn't be a total bust after all. My sagging spirits lifted a bit.

Someone announced the meeting would begin in five minutes, so I lackidaisically picked up my laptop and slowly headed for the elevators. I tried to avoid brushing against anyone but the crowd was thick as everyone decided to head up at the same time. I was jostled around by the crowd as it shifted.

My laptop bag caught the edge of some guy's portfolio nearly yanking it from his grasp. I turned toward him and muttered I cursory apology. I was almost by accident that I noticed that he was with one of the women who had been in the fight. I hoped she wouldn't decide to take a swing at me. I tried to make a quick exit but the crowd thicked up in front of me preventing my escape. I couldn't think of anything to say but stared at the man, a prep in a polo shirt, and the woman who looked as if she'd given better than she got.

The crowd then in front of me and I hoped to make a graceless exit.