16 Years Ago

Tip: html encoding works in the bio section on your member profile at WritersCafe.org


Story Update:

* Scottie (The Murder Mystery Author) is relieved that the Writers Block Convention will occuppy her time rather than a predictable date that would have resulted because of contact with her Ex via email


* Alexis (The Indie Author) admits he has OCD and lives upstairs above an artist who runs a gallery, and has been obssesively watching a suspicious neighbor and living in a neighborhood where the residents seem to be very distinct


* Scottie is 35 and drinks from a $15 bottle of tequila hoping some anxieties over Edgar will be over soon, and thoughts about the mistress secretary enrage her; Scotties daughter turns the driving age of 16 this October, and Edgar may have conveyed abusive behavior by rejecting a phone call from his child


*Rambling Prose (The Poet) makes it to the Bookstore, managed to conduct a series of eye contact with Brandon; the lounge turn out was bohemian mix with "fly by night wannabes" while Rambling - focused and determined, makes her way through the herd and proves to be a haughty/hottie, and looks to freshen up and relief from bodily fluid; she makes it to the powder room and overhears some gossip noticing what and who she is up against; I think Rambling may have walked out of the powder room minus underwear and upon leaving the powder room, redirects her agenda


*Alexis mixes up the time of day after a heavy sleep and then decides to primp and go to the commotion he saw by the Writers Cafe or Bookstore; he explains the incident with his big toe, and how he injured it and blames his OCD


*Nabu greets everyone a Merry Beltaine




[no subject]

16 Years Ago

You're awesome at the summaries. I knew all that, but it was a nice refreshment and an easy way for newcomers to keep up.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I agree! You're doing a great job with the summaries! By the way, it's the bookstore. I pass it almost on a daily basis while en-route to the Writers' Cafe...