walkin down the
stretchof road.
stridin through
an alley unbold.
boxes of grey
eat me alive.
the sun is down
but day hangs around,
i just dont..
each one of us is chosen
we must find the key-
the key that glistens of gold,
with a giant ruby heart-
the one to open every door.
we walk and ..
I find myself to wonder,
Lost in mental clouds of grey,
What's it really like, six feet under?
A cherry crypt with a gilded lock,
Some call me Grey Wolf.
You know me as The Papermate Pen.
Which one am I?!
Who is me?
'M Ithe hound howlin'
At the silver cookie of midnigh..
A pool of water surrounded by stone,
Blocks of granite, silver and grey.
Hill of mulch connects its behind,
A waterfall mold running through.
Strangled by my harsh graspBlood coming out from beneathCarves its soul into my notebookTo its own horror; Helping me.The tube of ink lowering downCon..
buzz and drone and dots of yellow
crashing and falling 'pon my window pane
winds so gentle and skies so mellow
clear of yesterday's humdrum rain.
Just maybe,
This poem could be something,
If my brain weren't sleeping,
Then my ideas would be.
I hope,
Just hope,
That if my head's a..
Five syllables here
Then seven syllables here
Another five here.
A jumble of words
Says nothing particular
Freedom of the mind.
Like an iron..
Can you imagine...
A start withouta finish,
Brilliant candlelight that won't diminish,
Candles burning but no light,
Demons tucking you in at nigh..