Megan Lynn Tocci : Writing



A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

when i think of my true self, i am barefoot.there's water nearby, a river a lake an ocean or something,and it's warm with blue sky, orsometimes it's ..
mountains or sea

mountains or sea

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

They give me a choice: the mountains or sea.How do I pick, when they're both within me?I admire the mountain. She's strong and she's sure.She's quiet ..
small lessons for the new year

small lessons for the new year

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

small lessons for the new year[1] hindsight is a series of mineshafts long abandoned.[2] silence can be peace and heartbreak.[3] strengths in areas no..
2 July 2021

2 July 2021

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

it's been a long time since putting pen to paperand letting these words do what they mustanother thing lost to pandemicsor growing older, caring less ..
25 July 2020

25 July 2020

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

i walked around my empty campus yesterdayand there were circles in chalk all overthe pavement -- one every six feet,and i thought, “how fitting ..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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26 April 2020

26 April 2020

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

26 April 2020some people sayyou should write quickto know what you feel aboutsomething,but i don’t see why,when there are so manywords wejump to..
almost twenty-four

almost twenty-four

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

11 April 2020it’s a warm night in April,thick socks and wooden porchesand all that, and the tree in the front-yardhas specks of green throughout..
3 April 2020

3 April 2020

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

3 April 2020everyone existing here,each in their separate solitude,with their canceled plans and canceled flights.faces in photos on walls bring crowd..
15 January 2020

15 January 2020

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

i thought there was strength in the smallness but maybe there's suffering too and i can't tell the difference anymore
20 November 2019

20 November 2019

A Poem by Megan Lynn Tocci

they don't wash off easy.

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