Observed on a walk, one day.
In the woods, in the parks, in private gardens,Across the fields and from the hills,The feathered creatures, greateagles and tiny wrens,Listen to the ..
When time’s winged chariot rushes by
And the busy world goes her giddy way
It does you..
Dreaming of happy memories.
A ballad, quatrains of syllables 8,6,8,6, iambic metre and abac rhyming. There are many different forms of ballad.
T'is the break of dawnOn an eerie October morn.An owl screeches, searing the air.The wolves howl, as if in fear.All creatures from far and wide,Look t..
Early poem written when I was a teenager.
When I saw this pigeon on the bird table, I was reminded of D H Lawrence's poem, 'The Snake'. ;- ' A snake came to my water trough ....'
The sparrows came at sunriseand flew into the apple tree.The apples looked temptingly ripe,resplendent in their skins,green and glossy.The birds hoppe..
A collaboration between Barleygirl and myself.