Chapter 1 One of the earliest memories I have goes all the way back to when I was around 4 years old, before my younger sister was even born. It was m..
Chapter 2 My second memory comes a little later in life, after I moved to Wyckoff. It all began on a nice October night. With Halloween approaching, e..
Chapter 3My most memorable memory is probably my first Yankee game. Being a huge Yankee fan, going to Yankee stadium is a big deal, and it was very sp..
Chapter 4 One of the most recent memories I have is of going to Lake Tomahawk in the summer of sixth grade. I had only ever been to Land of Make Belie..
When I recall all these memories and remember the details of what happened, I realize that my most memorable recollections happen to be of times when ..
A group of stories about events from my life.
Slavery During the Middle Passage On the outside, the Atlantic Ocean beats fiercely against the sides of the old ship. Inside, hundreds of enslaved Af..
Iron Will Literary Essay Death is a tragic, but pivotal event in people’s lives. It can leave a lasting impression on people. that affects them ..
Genius for a DayCharacters:JENNY MCGUIRE, 15, intelligent teenager, square-rimmed, black glassesMRS. MCGUIRE, 41, short, nice but strictMR. MCGUIRE, 4..