Shorter lines again, hurrah!
This is more of story. I made the choice to forgo any devices of poetry, seeing as the scope of this encompasses quite a few poems. I didn't just want..
Have you noticed how the answer nests as questionsflurryacross a barnyard floor like white-hot stalks of hay?
This isn't the fire-breath of a dragon. It is a poem.
I'll give you space, to molest my words,
to Windex the counter while I'm away,
skip an extra line and take unn..
My teardrops stutter in an inner lidinversion, a smatteringof sentiments
thatswell and shrink uponarrival.They can't, won't flow, thesechannels, tide..
This is the beginning of a story I haven't finished. Title (and everything), is strictly 'working'.
The dog I had growing up.
Consume each Senryu individually, as you would four small courses in a tasting menu. There is a requisite pause between each one.
Ah.. another senryu