grace thompson

grace thompson


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land o lakes, FL
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About Me

i like to write in my spare time. i like to draw,i get most of my idea's from either my life or just random things i think about most turn out awesome but most are just put of to the side and read less then what i am writting at the moment...right now im trying to get my life together and graduate high trying to publish something o f mine...maybe some day that will come true =D

made by my friend jessica

my book cover also made by jessica

and this was made my friend jessica!! and she is amazing!! XD


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Posted 14 Years Ago

cute toast Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi friend, I've just mad a new website and was hoping you would check it out. thats the site. all you have to do is click on it and check it out. Don't forget to join the site! And if you can, please spread this comment around to all your friends. Thanks!!!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

i love you too grace. so....rawr.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm glad you like it. It was one of the first things I made on PSE, I practiced on Destiny's first. She didn't mind. I plan on reading up on tutorials today so that I know how to work it better. want to have my babies.........hmmmmmmmm.....idk-Ok. lol. ILY Grace.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Jessica, if you didn't already know me. I make graphics, and right now I'm practicing on making book covers for stories and such. And I was just wondering if you would like me to make a book cover for one of your stories. All you have to do is fill out the form below and send it to, [email protected] . Also, it's a completely free service I am providing. So please take advantage of this offer.
Main Character(s): name-/look- [hair, eyes, skin, style]/gender-
Special Place:
Time Period:
Mood of story:
Special Event:
Preferred Color (something that sort of goes along with your story):
Link to Your story:
I am asking everyone I send this to, to forward it to anyone they know that might be interested, and to all of their friends here on Writers Cafe. Thanks! And I do hope you take up my offer! ~Jessica Danielle (P.S. I also make other graphics upon request.)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Jessica, if you didn't already know me. I make graphics, and right now I'm practicing on makeing book covers for stories and such. And I was just wondering if you woould like me to make a book cover for one of your stories. All you have to do is fill out the form below and send it to, [email protected] . Also, it's a completely free service I am providing. So please take advantage of this offer.
Main Character(s): name-/look- [hair, eyes, skin, style]/gender
Special Place:
Time Period:
Mood of story:
Special Event:
Perferred Color (something that sort of goes along with your story):
Link to Your story:

I am asking everyone I send this to, to forward it to anyone they know that might be intrested. Thanks! And I do hope you take up my offer! ~Jessica Danielle

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Jessica, if you didn't already know me. I make graphics, and right now I'm practicing on makeing book covers for stories and such. And I was just wondering if you woould like me to make a book cover for one of your stories. All you have to do is fill out the form below and send it to, [email protected] . Also, it's a completely free service I am providing. So please take advantage of this offer.
Main Character(s): name-/look- [hair, eyes, skin, style]/gender
Special Place:
Time Period:
Mood of story:
Special Event:
Perferred Color (something that sort of goes along with your story):
Link to Your story:

I am asking everyone I send this to, to forward it to anyone they know that might be intrested. Thanks! And I do hope you take up my offer! ~Jessica Danielle

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Posted 15 Years Ago

lol. I'm so hooked on yaoi now I can't go a day without reading some.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Rawr!!!!! Grace, you need to visit my gallery at TDA and leave a reply to it. Please Graciepoo? ILY

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Posted 15 Years Ago
