

Littleton, CO
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About Me

My personality type is ENTP-A.
I'm an aspiring essayist and ex-debater. I graduated high school early but I still don't have a license. Fancy that.
I am passionate about language, ideas, music, and experience (to extremes). Some would consider me an audiophile; I have a rather pricey audio setup and I collect rare cd's.
My favorite bands are Pink Floyd, Rush, and Alice in Chains.
Don't be surprised if I send you a lot of music.
I'm intense but amiable, outspoken but patient and quiet. Intellectual, but down to earth. Cynical, but open-minded, free thinking, and very accepting. I feel I am adventurous, as I love to get out and go experience things.
What I enjoy most other than talking about music and listening to music is meaningful discourse with other people.
Most importantly, I am honest. Very much so. I have a sense of humor, too, and let me just say, its a great thing to have. If you don't have one, you're missing out. Maybe get one for cheap on Black Friday.


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Posted 5 Years Ago

I'm joining the AirForce.