I opened my eyes to discover a bright light staring at me. "Gragch!" "Oh crap, it's awake," an unknown, annoyed male voice answered my cry. 'It?' I t..
In my grade 8 year of high school (05-06), I recorded a video with my half brother, Jesse. We were trying to make a karate show, and we used the webca..
strength.physically strong.emotionally weak.my tears dry against my cheeks.fear.adrenaline takes over.the nights are always long.i awake in a daze..am..
My friend was talking to me about their father, and this was the result
Not really a story.. just a 15 minute writing assignment for my Descriptive Writing class. Go figure?
This is a dream I had a few weeks ago, and it scared me quite a bit. I hope you can feel for the characters, mainly Daniella and Josh.
a metaphor for the music in my soul.
one dot.two dot.red dot.blue dot.dots mixed in a bucket, colourful arrows in all directions.will the world ever make sense?i can't lay still,i'm wide ..
seagulls.flying.fluttering.down.the sea saltsmell makesmy nostrilsburn;a good scent.the walk notlong, the timenot passed.spread myarms likemyimaginary..
We had to do an assignment on what we thought people thought of us. The first part is the 'unfavourable', then the second is the truth about that. The..