southern girl-next-door here :-)

southern girl-next-door here :-)


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Jackson, TN
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About Me

My name is Martha Forrester. Lived in Jackson TN all my nineteen years. Just graduated (December 2007) with my GED. Plan to attend UT in fall 2008. (Vols Rock!!!) Do not know what to do with my life at this stage. No husband. No boyfriend. No kids. No job. (Last two are positive:-)) Do not know what I will major at UT. Possibly English? Creative Writing. Any ideas?

Discovered writing while hospitalized at Saint Judes - I had a leg tumor. Laying in a hospital bed either awaiting treatment or watching reruns of Andy Griffith became tiresome after a couple months so I picked up a pen and let my imagination flow on paper. Wrote several terrible short stories.

In High School I was terrible in Math and Sciences. Became so bad I finally dropped out my junior year before I would be tossed out. My dad nearly died of shame. His only child fallen from grace. English was the only subject I received regular A�s.

Never liked the party scene since my mother was killed in a car wreck one night when I was sixteen - I was at a party at the time. She died before I could see her one last time at the hospital.

Love to write, which is of course why I am here! Too many teenage boys are scared of expressing themselves on paper. Not manly. So sad. Girls are helpless drama queens. When girls write it is wimpy little soap opera tales of teenage romance/broken hearts. Hope to find more mature audiences here!

My dream is to write and publish a children's story before my twenty-fifth birthday. I remember dad reading books to me when I was a little girl. Have several ideas wrote down. Maybe they will grow into a story someday!!!

My favorite novel is Gone With The Wind.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

welcome from one southern girl to another! let me know when you post writing.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Dear Martha,
Thank you for your comment, it was sweet of you.

Regarding reviewing; what I suggest is for you to do it
just like you would in a conversation with the writer.
If there is something hard to understand, ask what it
means, if you love it, just say so.

What most of us get for a review is a one liner from someone
saying something like, "gee that was sure a nice poem" .

So, do not worry about reviews, while you are new, just write,
write your little heart out and we who have been here for a
while will attempt to be encouraging.

You are so welcome, all of us on Cafe love having you with us,
now all you have to do is write what you feel.

----- Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 17 Years Ago

welcome to utah! it's a cold cold place!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to Cafe` Martha.
I believe you will find everyone here a joy
to work with.
Review when you can and write what you feel.
Don`t stop! Keep writing, when you get discouraged,
talk to or write one of us on your friends page and
I assure you that one of us will be able to help.
We are please to have you as a fellow writer.
---- Eagle Cruagh