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Simpsonville, KY
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About Me

Hey everybody I'm almost 21. My birthday is in a few weeks. Writing has always been my passion. I've been writing poetry since I was seven and songs since I was eleven. My uncle was a poet, well known locally, but not really anywhere else. I hope to follow in his footsteps. I've wanted to write something about my grandmother and grandfather for a long time. I've actually kind of started a really rough draft of something. I had the idea of writing a book about my journey to find my birth father. It would be called Letters to my Father and the book would be entries of letters I've written to him. All written on my journey to find him.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

We all have a past some are just more colorful than others. I am glad that you enjoyed that piece. It was a little scary to post something that real about myself, not knowing how people will react to finding something like that out about a person. I am proud of who I am today and not ashamed of my past but I wish that upon no person.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello and thanks for the friends request. I am very happy that you could feel the passion and heart that I write with. I feel that if you can write something where someone can walk away from it and feel something or let the words linger in their thoughts that is the greatest complement you can receive. I am glad that you enjoyed my words and I would love to read yours. Please send me anything that you would like for me to read.

I also love your idea for your book. When I read that I have to say I was moved and thought to myself Wow that would be something to definitely read. I look forward to getting to know you and your work better.