I was consciously staring at her as I pieced together ten different ways to ask her out and a hundred reasons why she would say no. I pulled my hood o..
As people started getting out of their seats and talking loudly to their friends across the room, I realized it was recess. I looked back at the scori..
It's freezing.The air-cond has been on full blast all day long in the brightly lit classroom and no matter how tightly I twisted my jacket around me, ..
Love is:A synonym of beauty, pain, joy, tragedy. Because no tragedy can be complete without an element of love. No joy can be fuller than that of love..
Put it in a bottle, throw it in the sand.Burrow in the mud before things get out of hand.There's a time to lose, a time to give up,But now is not the ..
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I want not your love,I want not your money,I want not your care,Nor for you to call me "honey".I'm still young, you're younger,I can honestly say,I do..
Blackened with soot and dust of old,Of warriors and their stories told,Tales known from peasant to sire,Of valor, of glory, and of fire,Valor of the b..
A romance story with a twist, partly inspired by true events.
Warning: may contain heartache