This is about a Story I am writing, it is who I really am, I follow my Rhythm until it takes me Home.
Feeling Aligned on this Re-sync of the first day of the next 260 - the Energies of the Maya - to be aligned with all the Universe who are aligned with..
My Moon and My Sun Dance a Dance within my Heart, in my Inner Sky.
Every Single Star - Connected, Shining Expanding, we are all Beacons Beaming!
Come and walk with Me into a land of Knowing.
Just thoughts about these songs that play in my Head. I hope they will always know how much I love them.
Just Trusting, just Trusting in All There Is.
Wishing you Blessings both Near and Far. Happy Holidays from the Magic in each Moment.
A night with my darlings, popcorn, smiles, movies laughs, little elf's, happy snow man dancing in the yard. Brings the smiles.
Listening to a perfect song and this vision stepped inside my Mind.