It just flowed, as I could not sleep, so I said heck, let's go write something. Maybe a song one day, one day, one day we'll live in Peace, One Day -..
It's really not so bad to be down, if you just look at it from a slightly different perspective.
Sometimes we gotta go down to Rise Up.
Coming through and seeing it through to the Harvest.
Inspired by Elijah Ray's song, walk with me.
The title is what I saw this evening, just before writing this, it's a work that will continue, Not like the ones that don't need a thing.
A realization that I should move from where I am now, right to my goal, because I'll never have a better chance of getting it right than Now.
Came to me while listening to a free flowin' Jack Johnson song.
I'm going through a Transformation, and it's always good to get passed those difficult parts, whew - at least I hope I made it through , feels like it..
I wrote this for my Friend Fred, for his wedding today, part of our gift to them. It is written in their energy. Beautiful Energy