A story about my special place, my well, I found one day and it keeps springing forth a flow of Love to me and I share it with You. Peace
For my Relations standing to stop the Pipeline in North Dakota today.
I Believe in the Good Things Coming, Coming, Coming, Come In, Come In.
A song that flowed to me in the night.
Inspired by Dustin Thomas' Big Heart
One Day We will all see what's Coming, once we Free ourselves of our Blindness caused by our Self Doubt, and not knowing who we Truly Are.
It is the Description, just notes of Truth, crumbs for the chick-a-dee to nibble.
Some information I've found about this amazing substance, Water IS Life.
Native Teachings, the greatest stories ever Told, and retold by the Story Teller, with new life each time.
This just showed up.