Becoming who you Truly Are.
If you see me forgetting, remind me, of who I am, if you see me crying, come and sit by my side, take my troubles for a ride, if I see you Smile, if I..
GrandMother has come to share with us the Vision of a Brighter Day.
About that special place within us, the center of our Medicine Wheel, where we can heal.
A thought on philosophy of how we can change our world.
This is about a Meditation that involves bringing the Sun into your Center and then bringing the Moon closer and closer to the sun and then bring it w..
Life is just a gathering of Moments, do your best to miss as few as possible.
Morning thoughts from those who love us dearly, know that we can live the Dream.
A Smile for you from my Heart.
Inspired by a song by Dustin Thomas - All we have is Hope