A few days ago in Little Cottonwood Canyon, on the Wasatch Front, 20 minutes from my home, by the river flowing down the washed rocks, THIS.
About all that's here to support Me, how could I ever Lose. So much to be thankful for, to show my Gratitude.
In a meditation with Drunvalo I saw different colored waves showing geometry on a very calm shore, quiet peaceful waves gliding over a sandy floor.
About finding myself, who I am.
About those low times as we are making our way between the high times.
Journey within to find all you've been searching out there.
The way I feel when I'm in that place, one day I will always be there, that my friend will be a Happy Day, a Happy Day!
An understanding, a blessing, a knowing.
Things ramble through my head when I'm getting ready to go back to where I was born.
There are many different paths that lead to the same place, don't worry that all do not walk with us today, not all hear, not all see, but all will be..