Trust is a very important Thing, if we can't trust in ourselves, can others?
The Ancestors are always there on my Mind, and this one is a message from a look at a picture of my ones coming after Me.
My friends had a fund raiser with two story tellers and their own music, they are leaving for Standing Rock with supplies on Tuesday.
Happy to be here this Morning, have a Beautiful Day!
A Song Prayer for become a Healer, we all can Purify whatever we wish to.
It rolls with the Sea this song of the comings and goings of Life, like the swells we Roll.
A Whisper in a quiet peaceful early Morning Moment, it came in my Silence, to be heard by us All.
Just feelin' grateful, and it's good Medicine - it's healin' me right now.
Walking today down the Canyon something like this came to me and I sang it out to the Cliffs of hanging trees, and pure granite walls.
Came to me out of the Blue.