Healing Star : Writing

Keep On Believing

Keep On Believing

A Story by Healing Star

Messages from my three favorite Singers/ Healers, Nahko Bear - Trevor Hall - and Mike Love and of Course Uncle Bob. Peace
A Media Heart

A Media Heart

A Story by Healing Star

Finally someone in the Media on CNN and had a Heart and tried to express it to let people know how significant this gathering at Standing Rock. And a..
It's Everything

It's Everything

A Story by Healing Star

Remember it's everything not just somethings - that build us up or tear us down.


A Poem by Healing Star

A snippet of Truth
Perspective Is Everything

Perspective Is Everything

A Poem by Healing Star

Your Perspective is EverythingAnd you can change it in a MomentSo in a Moment - You can change Everything
Prayer For Those Serving

Prayer For Those Serving

A Poem by Healing Star

For those with the Courage to be there at Standing Rock, my friends leave this morning for there, may Peace be their guide.


A Story by Healing Star

Thinking about the One I've always been and how I let myself down by not committing to it, and wanting so, not to chose that path again.
Dark Night's Comin'

Dark Night's Comin'

A Poem by Healing Star

I feel something is coming in my life and I have to allow it, it's not going to be fun, but it is what I need NOW.
Oh Mama

Oh Mama

A Poem by Healing Star

A prayer to my Dear, Dear Mother Earth, a longing for her Grace, that I might regain my Pace.
Go Slow

Go Slow

A Poem by Healing Star

Top of the Mornin' to ya, and Go Slow