Standing Rock will be the sign post where we turned. To the tune Stand Like A Mountain written for them by Trevor Hall.
Learning to Live from your Heart in the Love of Mother and Father.
Sharing from my Heart and finding my way there in words.
this world is crazy but we must find and remain in our own peace.
Some thoughts about where we are, and what we need to get to where we need to be.
A Prayer for our Mother, that she might forgive her Children
born out of my sorrows today, hope it will rise to Lift Ya.
some notes to Myself, from Myself ... I am One and I am All, and we are All That Is
Spirit Come and teach MeSpirit Come, and Lift MeSpirit Come, Spirit ComeI am so Tired, I cannot RunAny LongerSpirit Come and Bless MeSpirit Come, and ..
The song of Life, be thankful for all that Comes, both what we see as good and what we see as bad, for it all brings us to who we are Becoming, and in..