Within us all there is a Well, tied to the Source of All That Is, it is for us to Discover only.
Good Morning, my skies have become so much Brighter, my Vibration Lighter, Peace has come to my Heart.
If Men do comprehend the Character Of God, they Do comprehend Themselves. Naturally because ... it is within themselves that they recognize this..
As the moment came it did not matter if the gaze was mine or His ... it was One Gaze.
We all affect each other, each expression, each movement, each thought, each gift shared.
Become Empty, Inquire, find Answer, birth Creation.
An anthem for Peace through Unity of all being suppressed today, all over the World.
I have been listening to Satsang's by Sri Mooji, this was mentioned in one of them. In the part that starts this is what happens to us all is my own ..
Just a little ditty
My Christmas Song - for EveryOne ...May Peace find us not Wanting
And may the Mystics come Haunting