A journal entry about my writing.
I just wrote this reversed, it was My Heart was Broken, Lying bleeding
But this is the way it needs to be written, from my heart to my soft and gentl..
A Van Morrison song was running through my head with horns, and this came out.
I went to a Kirtan and the next day a Healing Yoga session with Saul David Raye. This is one of the Messages from his Heart, a very beautiful Heart.
I have a garden inside me, that smells so sweet, it smells so sweet.
I am a Star Seed, and so are You. Allow Spirit to talk to You.
I'm ready to be planted, will you help me grow?
The Energy flows through me, like a river, like a dream, as I row gently down the stream.
May this Vibration rest in your Heart and bring you Peace.
A shimmer in the Night.